Blame Akbar. This was his doing, really. His “block party,” (henceforth known as ‘Akbar’s Abomination’) – which was preceded by Tank’s Murph – pretty much guaranteed that Saturday’s beatdown would focus on legs and core.
But first, the pre-thang : the usual 2 miles out and back with the usual suspects. Now, YHC was definitely not looking at Bushwacker’s butt. And neither was Tank. But I mean, really, when the guy’s shorts are that tight and he’s running in front of you, it’s hard not to take note. Looked like he had those things painted on. Tank was comfortable enough in his masculinity to throw out a few catcalls. Though, judging by Wacker’s mustache (which was recently tamed from a Guy Fawkes-type stache to a more respectable – and less anarchistic – Tom Selleck-type), it is possible that he is more in tune with the modern trends of the day and hey, what do I know, maybe the short shorts are making a comeback this year?

Back at the flag, there was a surprisingly large group milling about. Most noticeable were all the 2.0’s. It was great to see the Baby Yoda, Pope, and Pixie Stick (along with Grover, who is now a fixture at most beatdowns) posting alongside their fathers. Also of note, the (second) return of Backdraft, who’s already committed to leading in the near future.
Warmorama: Good mornings, torso twists, IWs, toe touches, SSHs, merkins, shoulder taps, high knees, all at or around 15x IC.
Somewhere around the SSH’s, Sparky shows up. Turns out Bushwacker does not stand alone in his love of Magnum P.I.
The Thang:
Simple enough opening routine: Lt. Dan’s to the gazebo. Which, okay, yes, is about 400 yards. And felt longer. But at least the guys had some time to catch up.
Next, Core COP: The Bruce Lee. We’d do all six exercises, x20 IC, then take a 30 second break:
- Hammers
- Leg Raises
- LBCs
- Heel Touches
- Crunchy Frogs
- 100’s
Rinse & Repeat. Initially we were going to do three rounds, but honestly, YHC can’t multitask – I can either call out cadence for 6 routines or I can suffer through them properly, but doing both proved too much for a third round. So onward to the bridge!
Partner up for a Dora:
P1 runs up and over the bridge and back to swap with P2, who begins knocking out the cumulative reps of:
- 100 Merkin Toe Touches
- 200 Freak Nasties
- 300 Squats
Nearly out of time, YHC called it so we could make it back to the flag promptly. Double lined Indian Run back to the flag, where we closed it out with a quick set of Jane Fonda’s.
Countdown, namerama, and welcoming of FNG Pixie Stick!
Grover closed us out in a prayer of thanks and everyone set out to coffeteria. YHC feels blessed to have this group of men pushing me to be a better version of myself. It felt good to be back out there with such a large group (25 men!), and to see the gift of F3 passed on to so many 2.0’s. Thank you men for the opportunity to lead!