Something has been going on in the last couple months that just doesn’t seem right. I haven’t had proper care for much longer than that, but at least I have good company every week, that is until sometime mid-March. You see, there is this awesome group of Men that make me feel like I have purpose. They don’t just sit on me or leave trash all over me. They really care. Not like that so called “groundskeeper” that doesn’t know anything about grass. I’m only about 10 years old, so I’m still trying to figure things out.
I’m sorry, let me introduce myself! I’m the Great Lawn, and I was shown some serious Respect this last Saturday, 16 May. It’s been rare to see these fine Men gather here as of late, except for F3 Fest, which was a total blast by the way! That guy Tool really knows how to throw a party….
The one they call Fracsac gave a disclaimer, had the men count off and remember the numbers, and then brought all 12 Men to my domain Saturday morning in what he referred to as a Phase 1 celebration. I guess that means F3 is back, which is awesome. I missed these Men. Well most of them anyways. I try not to play favorites, but have you met that Rudy guy? But I digress……
There was a warmup:
- SSH IC x 50 – wait a minute….Why more than 31? I’m confused
- IW x 20 IC
- GG IC x 10
- AC IC x 20
- PP IC x 20
Then they moseyed to one side of me for the first Routine:
Blimps – Starting on one side, do an exercise, run to the other side of me, do the next exercise, then run back. You get it, right?
- Burpees x 10
- Lunges x 10
- IW x 15
- ‘mericans x 20
- Plank Jacks x 25
- Squats x 30
Then he had then split up by even and odd numbers, using the count off from the disclaimer. It was a real disaster, but so was the Routine:
Start at each corner… was so bad, we’ll just say they did Burpees x 10, and 8 count body builders IC x 10. Probably something else too, but we just need to get past this one. I thought this Q was educated……
Mosey back to one of the corners for next Awesome Routine:
Round 1
- ‘mericans x 12
- Squats x 12
- Bigboi situps x 12
- Run a lap around me
Round 2
- Shoulder Taps x 12
- LBC’s x 12
- Lunges x 12
- Run a lap around me
Round 3
- Floyd Mayweathers x 12
- Bonnie Blairs x 12
- Freddie Mercury x 12
- Run a lap
Round 4
- Cataline wine mixers x 12
- Jump squats x 12
- LBT’s x 12
- Run a lap
The next Routine was a test of mental fortitude:
Spoiler alert, it didn’t go well
The Q would ask for 2 numbers from the pax. One was for the number of SSH IC, the other was for SSH in silence, ending in unison with the Q. A failure would result in a penalty.
After 4 rounds of 10 penalty burpees, the Q called it. But on the bright side, the Pax got to do 40 more burpees! Good times!
Finished with some Mary.
Ended with a COT
I overheard some new Respect from the Pax, apparently the one they call Fracsac turned 50! Wow, how did that happen?
That must have been a real downer to turn 50 during a pandemic. As it turns out, that guy had a pretty awesome day. After enjoying some coffeteria at the re-opened Café Navarre, several of the Pax surprised him with a drive by birthday and visit! What an awesome organization F3 is! I wish I could get up and join them. Maybe someone will put some good grass on me……