Just the Bell, Just to See How it Feels…
Just the Bell, Just to See How it Feels…

Just the Bell, Just to See How it Feels…

PAX:#Gabrielle, #JingleVader, #Blowout, #Douille, #KingKong, #PopALock

Fresh off of a month of running for Run Ranger Run (congrats to everyone that crushed it), QIC decided to slow things down a bit, and focus strictly on kettlebell exercises. We circled up right next to the river for the following warm up all in cadence:

SSHx20, Arm Circles F/Bx10, Imperial Walkersx20, Grass Grabbersx10, Abe Vagoda’sx20, Halosx10 each way. 

We stayed in our circle and performed the following exercises all in a slow cadence:

Single Arm x15 both sides, Single Arm Triceps x15 both arms, Double arm curlx20, Double arm Tricepx20

After a short suitcase carry to the shelter the following was completed for the lower body portion of the workout, all exercises in cadence:

KB swingsx20, Goblet Squatsx20, Bulgarin Split leg squatsx20 each side

The PAX then suitcase carried to the soccer field for the following shoulder and core exercises all in cadence:

Overhead Press x20 each arm, Rowsx20 each side, Romainian dead lift (this was interesting)x10 each side, Big Boy Sit Ups x 20, Thrustersx15 each side, Russian Twistx15 each side.

We circled up for count off, nameorama, and prayer, then adjourned to PJs for coffee.