Round RRR Robin-ing ‘Round the Marsh
Round RRR Robin-ing ‘Round the Marsh

Round RRR Robin-ing ‘Round the Marsh

QIC:Bushwacker, et al
PAX:Akbar, Bushwacker (QIC), Shooter, Waterpik

And so it came to be that 50% of today’s PAX found themselves running to the Marsh in the gloom. After all, it’s February. And, while most anywhere else that statement may require a bit more explanation to cover the nuance, round these parts…’nuff said.


So after gathering at center court, the Warm-O-rama became the Thang and the Thang became the Warm-O-rama, as the collective PAX returned to the street to tour Old Mandeville a la Wednesday night’s F2 beatdown. Moseying here and there, each man took a turn, at Q’s random call, to lead a round of an exercise of his choosing. With the 1st round being reserved for those exercises belonging to the warm up class, it was an easy going first mile or so filled with revolving mumble chatter of the most casual nature. And when the leash was removed, and Shooter commenced in dishing out a round of OYO Burpees, the continuously elevated heart rates climbed ever higher.


After the whip that cracked thunder upon our collective heads was passed all the way around, center court was reestablished as our base where we gained our 6 and blasted our common core with what was left in the chamber.


count/name/Q prayed us out

Thanks gents for roamin’, ramblin’ and rangerin’ with this simple man in the gloom of the place we all call home.