Westbank Park Run
Westbank Park Run

Westbank Park Run

PAX:FroZone, T-Square, ShortBus, Padawan

It was a beautiful morning for some running. Something we westbankers rarely do.

We moseyed over to the playground to warm up.

Hairy Rockettes
*New* 8-count Ski Abs Body-Builders

Then we moseyed over to the service road and attempted to do:

4 rounds
1st Round:
15 of each:
Heels to Heaven
Alternating Side Squats
Flutter Kicks
Hand-release Merkins

then, 4 laps down and back on the service road.

The subsequent rounds would decrease a lap while increasing the reps by 5.

We worked hard, but we only got through 2 rounds by the end of the allotted time.

We then moseyed back to the playground for cool-downs. We ended the workout with normal close-out.

It was good first try at some running! We look forward to incorporating the service road in future workouts!!