Kolaches & Kickbutts
Kolaches & Kickbutts

Kolaches & Kickbutts

PAX:Twinkletoes, Worms, Money Cat, Nature Boy, Sparky, Cherry Picker, Bugs, Yoga Bear

Warming up the engines involved the below:
Side Straddle Hops (x20)
High Knees (x10)
Kickbutts (x10) For clarification, each person kicks one’s own butt, not someone else’s.
Trunk Rotations (x10) each direction
Imperial Squat Walkers (x12)
After the engines were brought to the minimum rpm for beatdowns and the enthusiasm of NatureBoy’s counting was contained, the PAX then moseyed to the nearest hill. Coupons were carried and dropped off at the sundial for further use.
The Thang consisted of the below:
Burpback Mountain (see Exicon, only modification was runner runs 3 hills instead of 5)
Moseyed to the Sundial
Next came some Freaknasties (x10) and Incline Merkins (x10).
Everyone then circled up in the Sundial. Everyone held Squat position while one person runs around the circle. When the runner returns to his position everyone then does 10 Calf-raises. This was repeated until everyone ran around the circle.
Next came Decline Merkins (x10) and two sets of FreakNasties (x11 x8??); each set one leg was suspended in the air.
Then a mosey (with coupons) to the Shovel Flag.
Then came the American Hammers (x20) with some planking for a time afterward.
Alphabets came next.
Classic Jane Fondas (x30 each leg) finished it up.
Lastly, came the Circle of Trust.
Since this was the 2 year anniversary of F3 in Baton Rouge food, drink and merriment followed afterward. Kolaches, coffee, fruit and fellowship were enjoyed.