Double down or split the 8s?
Double down or split the 8s?

Double down or split the 8s?

PAX:Goose, Hammer, Steve, Waterpik

Maybe the Q should have thought this one out a little more.. Arrived to the Scramble with light numbers expected. However this Gloom would produce a first timer at the Scramble, welcome Goose! Lacking 2 regulars (Wacker and Cowbell) the PAX enjoyed a moderate pace beating the rain drops..


All IC10 Good mornings, Imperial Walkers, Torso twist, Scorpion kicks, Superman, High knees and Butt kicks..

Moseyed our traditional route with a 9 min pace returning to the AO with some “Black Jack” planned..

Well the PAX started in with Burpees and Jump Squats.. 1-20, 2-19, 3-18, etc. etc. etc.

Hammer quickly multiplied the numbers and stated the PAX would have completed well over 200 reps of each. However, the time paused the PAX at the number 8 which if given in a game of “Black Jack” in pairs would prove to be a great split hand so presumably we will pickup this hand in the future..

Appreciate the post men and thanks to Waterpik for closeout in prayer!!

👍🏻👊🏻✌🏻 Till the next Gloom!!