Need to Warmup?  Burpee!
Need to Warmup? Burpee!

Need to Warmup? Burpee!


6 men posted in a cold windy gloom where a shovel flag marked the spot to start their day off right with the commitment to improve.  The thermometer said 38 degrees, but the wind made that seem much lower.  YHC has not posted that many times at Popeye’s, and the blocked off areas made it even more challenging when coming up with a planned beat down.  But the Pax posted for a reason, and YHC intended to deliver.    

The clock hit 0530, time to give a disclaimer, then:


  • SSH IC x 31
  • Hillbillies IC x 20
  • Arm Circles IC 10 fwd, 10 bwd
  • Grass Grabbers IC x 10

Mosey to the Shelter to find some benches.  There was some mumblechatter about the wall-less shelter really providing a wind breaker….YHC can take sarcasm all day…..

  • RL Step ups IC x 20
  • Dips IC x 20
  • LL Step ups IC x 20

With the warmup over, mosey to the hill.  There’s only one way to fend off the cold on a day like this….

COP 1 – Burp Back Mountain

YHC has pulled this one out at Okwata, which was always a crowd pleaser.  Looking up this hill, it sure looked higher than the levee, which makes it that much more awesome! 

Partner up!  Pax 1 starts Burpees at the base of the hill.  Pax 2 runs backwards up the hill (quadraphillia) to the top, then run back down x 3.  Flapjack until 100 cumulative Burpees are achieved.

Once Burpees are complete, both Pax continue with Quadraphillia waiting for the six.

Now the Pax is really getting warm.

COP 2 – Burpees and Jump Squats on the Hill

Keeping the partner theme, Pax 1 starts Burpees at the base of the hill.  Pax 2 Quadraphillia up the hill, completes 5 jump squats and runs back down.  Flapjack until 5 evolutions are complete.

Finish it off with Catalina Wine Mixers IC x 10 (gotta fit it in)

COP 3 – Suicides Circuit

Mosey back toward the flag, stopping at the parking lot.  With 4 lamp posts to take advantage of, completed the following:

Starting at lamp post 1:

  • Sprint to lamp post 2 and back – Merkins IC x 10
  • Sprint to lamp post 3 and back – Lunges IC x 10
  • Sprint to lamp post 4 and back – Low Slow Squats IC x 10

COP 4 – Mary

  • Flutter kicks IC x 20 
  • LBC’s IC x 20
  • Freddie Mercury’s IC x 20
  • Tin Snips IC x 10
  • American Hammer IC x 10
  • Crunchy Frog IC x 10

Dealers Choice….

  • War Eagle – Penguins IC x 20
  • Rev Sox – Wife Pleasers IC x 20

Finish it off with 1 minute of planking.


Count off and Name-O-Rama, intentions and closed with a prayer. 

Thanks for posting with me today, and way to kill it in the gloom this morning!  YHC is pretty sure this was the coldest day so far this fall/winter….