“Do they make men’s sports bras?”
“Do they make men’s sports bras?”

“Do they make men’s sports bras?”

QIC:War Eagle
PAX:War Eagle, Hokey Pokey, Mile High, Boo Boo, Chips, Kenner Brah

The answer to that question is no, but more on that in a moment.

YHC arrived at Popeyes on this cool, crisp morning with a beatdown appropriate for individuals who would find their joy in running the following morning at the Wally Run. The temperature was 62 degrees but based on Boo Boo’s attire you would have thought it was minus 62 degrees. With the park set-up for a weekend event, the mosey to the Esplanade workout equipment would take a bit longer. At 5:28, YHC gave the disclaimer and headed out making sure not to get out of sight before 5:30 in case someone came in hot.


No time to circle up so a warm-up on the go—

High Knees, Butt-Kicks, Carioca Right, Carioca Left, Walking Imperial Walkers, Arm Circles as we ran. We did circle up once about halfway through for SSH, Abe Vigodas, and Seal Jacks (note: these men do not have the coordination required for Seal Jacks)

The Thang

At the Esplanade workout equipment we completed one minute each of the following exercises:

Burpees, Lunges, Dips, Inch Worms, Irkins, Military Sit-Ups, Plank Jacks, LBCs, Squats, Bonnie Blairs, Leg Raises (hanging from the pull-up bars), and Imperial Squat Walkers. We completed the circuit with a 6-pack (Think 11s with pull-ups and Merkins but only totaling 6 reps)

We completed the round and moseyed back toward the flag. Along the way we had an opportunity to encourage one of our newest Metry Pax, Mile High. Mile High has worked hard over the last couple of weeks but has made it known to everyone he is not a runner. We let him set the pace on the return mosey but not without asking, “Do they make men’s sporting bras?” They don’t, but T-claps to Mile High for sprinting to the finish.

Mile High’s effort and the Pax response is a subtle reminder, “Leave no man behind, but leave no man where you found him!”

COT, prayers for families and marriages associated with F3

As always, it was a please to lead.