Rockless City
Rockless City

Rockless City

QIC:War Eagle
PAX:Hand-Grenada, Darkwing Duck, Tanner, Boo Boo, Scantron, Rougarou, Walleye, Pai Gow, Edward Jones, Mambi, Mahatma, Rudy, Kenner Brah, Jesup, War Eagle

On Saturday, YHC discovered that the Q Sheet for Rock City was mysteriously blank for the upcoming beatdown. Knowing that these opportunities do not occur often. YHC jumped at an opportunity to lead his home AO.

Since the end of IPC, coupons have been the preferred weight of choice for YHC so before the Pax appeared from the gloom four heavy coupons were positioned at the starting point.

Disclaimer, Grab the Coupons, turn LEFT, and Mosey toward the parking lot.

Warm-Up: SSH, Imperial Squat Walkers, Hill Billies, Windmills, Arm Circles

After the warm-up, we counted off for some circuit work at the vastly underused playground on the south side of the park.

Thang #1

One minute of the following:

Group 1 – Pull-Ups at the playground

Group 2 – Alternating Leg Step-ups at the shelter

Group 3 – Shoulder Press w/ Coupon under the shelter

Group 4 – Underdogs at the swing set

Thang #2

One minute of the following:

Group 1 – Pull-Ups at the playground

Group 2 – Alternating Leg Step-ups at the shelter

Group 3 – Curls under the shelter

Group 4 – Underdogs at the swing set

Thang # 3

One minute of the following:

Group 1 – Pull-Ups at the playground

Group 2 – Irkins under the shelter

Group 3 – Squat Thrusters under the shelter

Group 4 – Underdogs at the swing set

Thang #4

Mosey to the football field and partner up.

Pax 1 – Run 10 yards do five merkins and return

Pax 2 – Squats until Pax 1 returns

Rinse and Repeat adding ten yards.

Once both pax completed 50 yards squats were replaced by LBCs until both pax completed 100 yards.

COT, Namarama, and special attention given to those battling cancer, and for all F3 men to be a better husband, fathers, and man.