Mother of a Mothership
Mother of a Mothership

Mother of a Mothership

QIC:Kenner Brah
PAX:Hokie Poky, Rev Sox, Rudy, Tiny Dancer, Catfish, FNG - Great Gambini, Jingle Vader, Angie's list, Colonel Mustard, Gideon,Gabrielle, Gumby

Warm-up (24s) – Arm circles, Windmills, Imperial walkers, Grass Grabbers

Thang 1 – PAX paired up, PAX A – Does Inch Worm to third tree and sprints back while PAX B does any static hold he chooses till partner returns. Pax flips roles, then starts new rounds – Lunges, NEar Crawls, Broad jumps.


After that, PAX serpentine runs in and out of the trees on the Great lawn jumping up on the memorial and then to the peristyle.

Thang 2 – Divide the PAx again into A/B. A’s Run out and back behind peristyle jumping up and downstairs for 5 rounds while B’s do dips. Once 5 rounds done, PAX flips roles.

If that wasn’t fun enough all PAX circle up under the roof of peristyle and perform static hold squats for 30 s and 10 more while reaching ahead. Do that 3x with 30 sec recovery.
We then side shuffle clockwise and on my command slap the ground and reverse direction. Do that till we can’t stand it anymore. Recover.
Q’s challenge – HandStand Holds if you can if you can’t, then anything sort of upside-down like a Pike Plank, or push your feet up the columns and hold.

Final bonus – MINI Q session – each member is called to the center and does their favorite exercise for 30 seconds or 30 reps. We didn’t finish everyone before the bell rang.

Mosey back to flag for announcements, intentions and BOM. Sad news about Bellhop and FNG’s situation. Encouraged each other had hearty prayer and we’re done.