IP Greatest Hits
IP Greatest Hits

IP Greatest Hits

PAX:Pop Tart, Breadsticks, High Rise, FNG-Kool Aid Man, Tool

I just can’t get enough” – Black Eyed Peas

Another notch on the belt for The Chamber, F3 NOLA’s newest AO.  This was only the second regular, non-IP beatdown which opened up some options for venturing out of the parking lot area that’s been home to the past few workouts there.  As the PAX trickled in, it was good to see a FNG show up after seeing the F3 info on Nextdoor.  With several regulars using a post-Saints game fartsacking pass, it became apparent our crew would be lighter than usual…rumor had it one of the young bucks was “trashed” and others left all they had in the dome.  With a dozen concrete blocks still in YHC’s truck, it was only fitting we gave them some love one more time.  Here’s what we did:

Warmup lap around the parking lot, then AC, WM, IW, PP.  

The Thang:  Iron Pax Greatest Hits

Round 1 – Thruster x20, Block Swingsx20, R&R x15ea,x10ea,x5ea


Round 2 – Broad Jump x20, Big Boy Situps x20, R&R x15ea,x10ea,x5ea


Round 3 – Merkins x20, Bonnie Blairs x20, R&R x15ea,x10ea,x5ea

Short Mosey

Round 4 – Bear Crawl approx 50-60yds, Lunge Walk 40yds 


Round 5 – Block Curls x40, Gas Pumps x40, R&R x30,x20…time expired

Approx 1.1 miles covered. All got stronger, and sweated out any weekend impurities. 

COT where we welcomed FNG Kool Aid Man, who gave us lots to works with but landed on a name fitting for a guy who just weeks ago ran into a brick wall playing basketball and split his head open.  Announcements included upcoming convergence, H8, and spreading the word about the Chamber being a weekly thing from here on out. 

Thanks for the opportunity to lead.       