Everyone Has a Plan ‘Til They Get Punched in the Mouth…
Everyone Has a Plan ‘Til They Get Punched in the Mouth…

Everyone Has a Plan ‘Til They Get Punched in the Mouth…

PAX:#Douille, #KingKong, #Threeway, #ReluctantYankee, #Gabrielle, #TubeSteak

On the heels of a Georgia Bulldog football victory over Notre Dame, sorry Rudy :(, and all of the celebrating that comes with that, 7 PAX braved the early morning Sweaty Bells workout along the banks of the mighty Mississippi River. The QIC had a specific plan for his birthday workout, but after seeing the exhaustion and blood shot eyes of the PAX, called an audible. The disclaimer was announced and we were off!!!

The PAX circled up for the following warm up exercises all in cadence:

SSH x20, Self Love x10, Arm Circles forward and back x10 each (counting Seaman style was particularly challenging), Grass Grabbers x 10, Imperial Walkers x 20, Calf Stretches x 10

Kettle Bell halos x10 each direction and Leg Pass Throughs x10 each direction 

Next, the PAX suitcase carried their bells to the levee for 11s split between Curls and Hurpees.

Once the 11s were complete the PAX circled up for the following exercises all in cadence:

Rows both sides x10, Tricep Extensions x15, single arm curls right and left x15, Thrusters x15

Next up was a round of MARY in cadence:

Penguins x20, Flutter kicks x 20, American Hammer x20, LBCs x 22

The PAX form the COT, had count off, nameorama, and intentions. What a great way to start of your birthday! Always a pleasure to lead such a great group of men!