Can I get some more legs…..?
Can I get some more legs…..?

Can I get some more legs…..?

PAX:Uncut, Tabloid, Gideon, Rudy, Two Yutes, Hokie Pokie, Douille, McDreamy, Heisenberg, Angel Dust, Tinker, Gabrielle (QIC), Angie’s List, Breadsticks, Screwtop, Spawning, Thumb War, Tanner, Boo Boo

So, YHC was happy to finish the 9/11 memorial on Friday at Wolfpack Mountain.  100+ Flights of stairs, 30# in rucksack.  For the PAX doing this with backpacks and weights it took us approximately 50 minutes to complete.  It was the least we could do to honor the first responders who made the ultimate sacrifice that day.

Later at Coffeetaria my legs were already feeling the effects of all the stairs and weights.  YHC joked at his Q at Mothership the following day YCH was going to do an upperbody only beatdown.  The PAX can decide how that turned out.

On to the beatdown!

Mosey to Peristyle for Warm Up

  • IW IC X20
  • Alternating Open Gates IC X20
  • Toy soldiers IC X20
  • Self Love IC X15

Mosey to street in front of Storyland for Indian Run to Fountain

At Fountain circle up for Red Hot Chili Pepper:

  • Right Leg Step Ups x 16; Decline Merkins x 8; Left Leg Step Ups x 16; Incline Merkins x 8
  • Right Leg Step Ups x 12; Decline Merkins x 6; Left Leg Step Ups x 12; Incline Merkins x 6
  • Right Leg Step Ups x 8; Decline Merkins x 4; Left Leg Step Ups x 8; Incline Merkins x 4
  • Right Leg Step Ups x 4; Decline Merkins x 2; Left Leg Step Ups x 4; Incline Merkins x2

Let’s grab some water to stay hydrated.

Next, mosey around NOMA to first bench at start of Roosevelt Mall for a little Route 66:

  • Body Bag Builders which is a 8-count body builder with a mountain climber thrown in start at 1 rep at 1st bench upping 1 rep at each succeeding bench up to 11 Benches for a total of 66 reps.

Mosey to Practice Track for Dirty McDeuce:

  • Wide Merks X12 I/C
  • Total Lunges X12 I/C
  • Gas Pumps X12 I/C

1 lap around Practice Track

  • Right Leg Up X12 I/C
  • Speed Skaters X12 I/C
  • Hundreds X12 I/C

1 lap around Practice Track

  • Left Leg Up X12 I/C
  • Monkey Humpers X12 I/C
  • Toe Taps X12 I/C

1 lap around Practice Track

Running out of time so going to have to cut the Dirty McDeuce short.  Mosey back to flag.

Count-off, name-o-rama, announcements, and prayer. 

Thanks for letting me lead!