Iron PAX Prelude
Iron PAX Prelude

Iron PAX Prelude


YHC had plans for his 52nd birthday Q at Rock City (hint: what other workout option includes the number 52?). But Sunday night, Hawg posted the Iron PAX Prelude. And Tanner jumped in immediately – “Hey Rudy, lets do this!” So what option did I have? The belated 52-birthday-Q will have to wait…

19 PAX were greeted by a typical humid August morning. Disclaimer issued, then mosey to the water fountain on the north end of the track. Circle up for a quick warmup (some Windmills, Grass Grabbers and Open/Close The Gate). Then explain the drill.

6 times. 24 Squats, 24 Merkins, 24 (2 count) Lunges, then run 1 lap (a full lap, not a “Rudy” lap where you start late and end early). For Time – so push yourself (but make darn sure to hydrate!). Go.

Billy Goat knocked it out of the park, coming in somewhere around 25 minutes. Hawg (barefeet and all) came in 2nd, followed by Mahatma. Nice work, gentlemen!

As PAX finished, they gathered at the end line to cheer on the other finishers. Special #TClaps to Cheese Fries and Boo Boo who powered through to completion while we were moseying back to the flag. Way to persevere and keep after it!

COT: count-off, name-o-rama, intentions and prayers for guidance. Then Hawg persisted in getting a few more people registered, and get our times logged.

IronPAX Q makes for a pretty easy preparation. Thanks, F3 Greensboro!