A bit of Notre Dame, and a bit of YIPPEE!
A bit of Notre Dame, and a bit of YIPPEE!

A bit of Notre Dame, and a bit of YIPPEE!


19 PAX (incluing Rewatch, downriver from Houston) in the morning gloom to help YHC celebrate the end of his 51st year. Yippee!

Started out with a disclaimer, trying to be more thoughtful than normal with thoughts of Holy Grove in mind. Everyone: be mindful of your health. Hydrate. Modify. Its Hot and Humid. Most important – remain healthy. All this, while continuing to push yourselves. So with thoughts and prayers for Holy Grove in mind, lets get started.

YHC brought along a YIPPEE! bag full of birthday gifts. The idea: all PAX feel free – at any point in the workout – come pick a gift from the YIPPEE! bag. What’s in the bag? A collection of goodies – exercises for the Q, exercises for the PAX, a few special gotchas. Each piece of paper is something new and different.

Mosey over to the Great Lawn.

Warmup with some stretching and SSH (x51). First dip into the YIPPEE bag produces 20 Dips for everyone at the benches! Its going to be a fun hour.

7 Heisman Trophy Winners

7 of Diamonds, in honor of the ND 7 heisman trophy winners (Bertelli, Hart, Lattner, Lujack, Hornung, Huarte and Brown). Yes, Douille is correct in noting that Hornung is the only Heisman winner from a losing team. Douile was incorrect in thinking Hornung lost to Tulane.

PAX split into 4 groups. 4 cones set up in a diamond shape.

Round 1: 7 Bobby Hurleys at a cone, Bear Crawl to the next. Repeat all the way around

Round 2: 14 Merkins, Lunge Walks

Round 3: 21 Squats, Crab Walks

Round 4: 28 Flutter Kicks, Lunge Walks

War Eagle and Catfish seem to be greatly enjoying the YIPPEE bag – produce burpees, merkins, squat jumps for the PAX, for themselves, for the Q. “10 Burpees for Me”. “20 Merkins for PAX of choice” (tough break, Angie’s List). “15 Squat Jumps for the Q”. “10 Genuflects for the PAX”. The cards are flying faster.

YHC also especially enjoyed War Eagle’s “Sing Happy Birthday to the Q”. Thank you.

11 National Championships

Yes, YHC is aware that our glory days are old. No, YHC does not care. Yes, YHC always believes that next year represents our return to glory.

11s with Burpees and Catalina Wine Mixers. Go. PAX now are running past the YIPPEE bag with more frequency, resulting in more draws.

Pop Tart pulls a “Sprint vs the Q”, and pays dearly for his arrogance – slipping and falling as he turns to mock the slower Q. The Tortoise revels in his glorious victory. Rewatch and Catfish both draw Laps around the park.

Triple Shift adamantly refuses to approach the Yippee bag. He must not like birthdays. Or presents.

5 Pillars

YHC has to call off the 11s somewhere around half-way point due to time constraints. 5 Pillars of Holy Cross Education: Mind, Heart, Zeal, Family, Hope. For each one, PAX will do 5 Rise Ups (squat for a 5 count, then jump up, return to squat position). Even while explaining the exercise, Hokie is standing at the bag waiting to draw. And of course, he pulls “10 Burpees for the Q”. Everyone else gets a 10 count while YHC gets 10 burpees in.

At Zeal, Rev Sox pulls “20 Merkins for the Q”. Thanks. Rev Sox leads PAX in 5 Rise Ups while YHC knocks out 20 Merkins.


Circle up for last 5 minutes of Mary. But we never get to Mary. More cards are drawn – “10 Burpees for everyone”. Seems there were more Burpee cards than YHC remembers putting in the bag.

Alas, we never got to the Duck Duck Goose game that YHC was really hoping for. Next time… But for now, return to the flag.


Count-off: 19 PAX (including 2 FNGs). Thank you all for celebrating my birthday with me! First, from Atlanta, still a dirty bird fan, so the PAX were unanimous in welcoming “28-3” to the tribe. Then – deep voice, handsome beard, claims he might kinda sing a bit: Pavarotti, glad to have you with us!

Close up with announcements, intentions and prayers to remember each day granted to us is a gift. May we treasure it, and use it wisely.

Thank you all for the opportunity to lead. I welcome your patience with me as I try new and potentially stupid things at workouts.