Sprints and Merkins
Sprints and Merkins

Sprints and Merkins

PAX:Tool, High RIse, Holy Grove, Jesus Juice, Hokie Pokey, Shuffles, Uncle Rico, Half Nelson, Tugboat, Smooth, Tanner

On another glorious hot and muggy August morning, 11 pax arrived for what may possibly have been the last Danger Zone workout, and Smooth’s bon voyage before heading to the life of Tapas and Sangria. 

After a quick disclaimer, we moseyed to the track for a warmup that consisted of:

  • SSH x 20
  • Squat jacks x 20
  • Windmills x 20
  • Grass grabbers x 15
  • High kicks 
  • Butt kicks
  • High knees

The thang – 

Pax were to make 4 laps (1 mile) around the track as fast as possible.   After each lap, pax were required to do 50 merkins each, totaling 200 merkins.  When finished the group did LBC’s and other core exercises waiting for the six.  

Next on the agenda was a sprint beep test, which was initially planned to be done on the track, but a large group of runners were also on the track, so we shifted to the grass in the middle of the field.  

YHC forgot to bring cones so we formed 2 points about 20 yards apart.   All pax lined up with the objective to sprint to the opposite “cone” before the sound of the beep.  Once the next beep would sound, the Pax would sprint back to the opposite side awaiting the next beep.  This continued while the time between beeps decreased.  If a pax was unable to make it back to the line before the beep, he would be eliminated and assume a plank position.  T-claps to Holy Grove and Jesus Juice for battling it out to the end with JJ taking the crown.  

With about 5 minutes remaining, we circled up for some more core called out by the pax.  Exercises included Freddy Mercurys, LBCs, and a few others that I can’t remember.  Last but not least we finished up with a merkin ring of fire before heading back to the flag. 

Circled up where intentions were offered for those battling cancer, Holy Grove’s father, Smooth’s impending move to Spain and giving thanks for our health and good fortunes.  

Thank you for posting with me and the opportunity to lead.