Mahatma Modified
Mahatma Modified

Mahatma Modified


Oh sure, Mahatma will blame it on being unable to hear the Q, or faulty Q instructions, or the Q just not knowing what the heck he was doing. All of which might be true. But on this glorious morning in City Park, Mahatma Modified.

06:15: YHC joined Rev-Sox and others at the Peristyle for a round of prayer and stretching Thank you, Rev Sox, for getting this started. What a great way to welcome the morning and get ready for the workout.

06:25: YHC bolts from the Peristyle to try and get back to MOMA and the Muscleship in time for his Q. Arrives at 6:28:30 to see a group of PAX questioning whether their Q would arrive. As expected, Bogey seemed to be in charge of the muttering and grumbling. Welcome back, Bogey!

06:30: With a disclaimer, PAX are off – short mosey (WATCH OUT FOR THE CARS) to the Great Lake for a quick warmup watching the sunrise. SSH, Windmills, IW, Grass grabbers. Just enough to get the heart pumping. Then an Indian Run over to the Cinderblocks to get started.

The Thing

Grab a cinderblock.

Round 1: Shoulder Press, Curl, Row x20. Then bear crawl about 30-40 yards, dragging your cinderblock. Some PAX took to throwing the cinderblock. YHC decided that was legal form, as long as PAX did not leave bear crawl form. Much fun had by all, so do the same – and bear crawl back to the starting line.

Bogey relied on a note from his “doctor” (going by the name “Walleye”) as an excuse to modify his bear crawl.

Round 2: Shoulder Press, Curl, Row x15. Then duck walk the same distance, again dragging your cinderblock. Again, throwing was deemed acceptable as long as one did not egregiously abandon duck walk stance. Then repeat and return to the starting line.

Pop Tart’s form is impeccable. All duck-walking-wannabes: take time to watch Pop Tart, and marvel at how his butt can be that close to the grass whilst he walks. Watch and learn and imitate. YHC’s form is, uh, less-good than that.

Round 3: Shoulder Press, Curl, Row x10. This time crab walk the same distance, again dragging your cinderblock. As YHC started his trek across the field – he saw the sight he never expected to see. Mahatma not following instructions. Instead of dragging, he CARRIED his cinderblock in his lap while crab-walking. Now – that may be just as hard, if not harder. But none-the-less – IT WAS A MODIFICATION.

Return the cinderblocks. We’ve got more stuff to do.

More Things

Quick stop by Tool’s Wall for 2 rounds of Calf-Raise/Monkey Humber combo.

Quick stop by the Foundry for everyone to get 10 full Pull Ups in. PAX plank while groups went to get their 10 done – using spotter’s as necessary. And for YHC, spotting was definitely necessary (thank you, Mahatma!)

Indian Run back to the field for a game YHC learned in Houston.


Divide into two teams each taking half of a very-imprecisely laid out field (roughly 15 yards across, each half about 30 yards deep). The game:

PAX from one team crosses the line. Has 30 seconds to tag one member of the other team, then race back across the line to his original side of the field. Upon tagging an opponent, all members of opposing team do 1 burpee, then try to catch the tagger before he crosses back over the line. If the tagger is caught, his team does 5 burpees. If not, the taggee’s team does 5 more burpees.

Trust me, it makes a bit more sense when you actually play it.

Cycle through until everyone gets a turn as tagger. Strategies evolved, including Walleye using a Full Takedown maneuver to ensure Tanner would not make it back over the line. Nicely played!


Hydrate hydrate hydrate. Then circle up for count-off, announcements (including a definition of CSAUP – Complete Stupid and Utterly Pointless event. Lets get some on the calendar!) Then clone in for a very very sweaty ball of man, and finish with a prayer – as always for YHC, ending with St. Ignatius’ Prayer for Generosity.

Thank you all for allowing me the opportunity to lead.