The Day After F3 Picnic
The Day After F3 Picnic

The Day After F3 Picnic

QIC:King Kong
PAX:Douille, Jingle Vader, King Kong, Medulla, Mud Bug

My family and I had a blast at the F3 Picnic on the previous day. Many M’s and 2.0’s were there. The picnic was a success thanks to all the donations and the set-up and take-down crew. T-claps to all the PAX who were involved organizing this wonderful event. Needless to say, I ate quite a bit and definitely wanted to work off all the food and drinks that I had indulged. Therefore, I was looking forward to the Sweaty Bells workout next day. I arrived 15 minutes early to set up cones on the soccer field. At 6:30 a.m., 5 strong PAX showed up with their kettle bells. I gave my disclaimer and moseyed to the middle of the soccer field.


Circled up in the middle of the soccer field and did the following in cadence

SSHs x 20

Windmills x 10

Forward / Backward Arm Circles x 10

Hill Billies x 20

Self-Love x 10

The PAX then did the following warm-up exercises with the kettle bells: kettle bell swings x 10 OYO, curls x 10 IC, thrusters x 15 OYO, manmakers x 5 OYO, chest presses x 10 IC, shoulder presses x 10 IC, halo with curls x 10 OYO (5 in each direction), rows x 10 OYO on each side.

The Thang

Pax left the kettle bells in the middle of the soccer field then lined up on one end of the field. Pax did the following exercises in the following sequences without stopping.

Performed 10 slow merkins IC.

Moseyed back to the middle to the kettle bells and performed 20 kettle bell swings OYO.

Moseyed toward the other end of the soccer field and performed 10 right leg genuflects IC.

Ran back to the middle and performed 20 curls IC.

Ran back toward the original end of the field and did 20 mountain climbers IC.

Ran back to the middle and performed 15 thrusters OYO.

Jogged toward the other end and did 10 left leg genuflects IC.

Jogged back to the middle and muscled up 10 manmakers OYO.

Jogged to the original end of the field and did 20 Peter Parker’s IC.

Moseyed back to the middle and did 20 chest presses IC.

Moseyed toward the other end and did 15 lunges IC (2 = 1).

Moseyed back to the middle and did 20 shoulder presses IC.

Ran to the original end and did 20 Parker Peter’s IC.

Ran back toward the middle and muscled up 20 halo with curls OYO (10 on each direction).

Ran to the other end and did 20 low slow squats IC.

Jogged back to the middle and did 20 rows OYO (10 on each side).

Then moseyed back to the original end of the field.

Round of Mary

Douille gave us the quickest 20 seconds count. The PAX bear-crawled to the middle of the field to the kettle bells and did the following MARY exercises with the help of the PAX:

King Kong – flutter kicks x 15 IC (with kettle bells)

Douille – American Hammer x 15 IC (with kettle bells)

Medulla – Penguins x 15 IC

Mudbug – LBCs x 20 IC

Jingle Vader – Hello Dolly x 20 IC (with kettle bells)


Starting from the middle of the field, each PAX did “open gates” all the way to one end of the field. This “open gates” stretch is one of Gabrielle’s favorite. Please ask him for proper form next time you see him. The PAX did the march stretch all the way back to the middle of the field. The PAX then did few shoulders stretches and finished with the superman stretching the shoulders and back.


Ended the day with Count O Rama, Name O Rama, announcements and intentions. No FNGs. We prayed for all the mentioned and silent intentions and also safe travels. I am very grateful to be able to lead the workout. Always an honor to workout with my F3 brothers. SYITG.

King Kong

Gabrielle was not there at the beatdown, but he somehow made it to F2 coffeeteria.