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Granny Clips Coupons

Granny Clips Coupons

PAX:Shooter, Pelican, Steve, Cowbell, Monkey man

This past weekend, YHC bumped into a friend, T shirt drenched with sweat, who said he had just come from a Cross fit workout. As my friend recounted the workout to me, I realized I could recycle at least part of this cool beatdown at Granny’s on Tuesday. Or, at least that was the idea. The cross fit workout consisted of a 1 mile run, and 10 sets of the following 3 exercises. 10 thrusters with a 75lb weight., 7 burpees, then 7 pull ups. WOW! That sounds brutal.

With ISI always in the back stiff, err… the…the back of the mind, YHC added an F3 twist and lots of ISI to the beatdown and here’s what it looked like. The PAX Circled up at shovel flag, firmly planted by Shooter in the gloomy soil at the Mandeville Trailhead. After a brief warmup, it was time for some circuit training. 15 sets of the following:

5 Thrusters with Coupon (cinder block), then

run up stairs, then back down and over to bike path for…

a 15 yard bear crawl, then…

pop up and mosey over to wooden stage area for 3 box jumps, then mosey back to shovel flag for:

1 minute plank.

rinse and repeat, starting w/ thrusters again.

Just barely got done with all 15 sets to complete ISI for the day. For those of you stiff bastards following along with ISI, we have one more day…

Thanks guys for following my lead and thanks to Shooter for praying us out!