You down with the DZ, yea you know me
You down with the DZ, yea you know me

You down with the DZ, yea you know me

PAX:Kuch, Abacus, Screw Top, Shuffles, High Rise, Thumb, UnderTaker

8 gentlemen of the highest order showed up on Monday morning for a good old fashioned sprint workout known as the Danger Zone. When the clock struck 5:30am, i issued the proverbial disclaimer and the beatdown commenced.


  • Mosey down Roosevelt Mall while doing some dynamic stretching:
  • high knees
  • butt kicks
  • karaoke to the left
  • karaoke to the right
  • open the gate
  • close the gate

Then we circled up and did the following exercises:

  • mountain climbers – 15
  • grass grabbers – 15
  • low slow squats – 15
  • arm circles – 8 forward, 10 backward
  • side straddle hops – 15

The Thang:

Split into 2 groups on Roosevelt Mall.

Group 1 sprints to the 1st lightpole and back, then sprints to 2nd lightpole and back, then sprints to 3rd lightpole and back, and lastly to 4th lightpole and back 

Group 2 was on their six doing levels starting with their legs 3 inches off the ground. Each time Group 1 made it back to the starting pole, Group 2 would raise their legs 3 inches higher off the ground. After we did this for 1 round, we switched and had Group 2 do the sprints and Group 1 do the levels

Next, we had Group 1 do the same set of sprints, but this time Group 2 was doing an arm plank and each time Group 1 made it back to the starting pole, Group 2 would do 5 pushups and then go back to holding the plank. Then we switched

Next we took a 20 count break and then mosey’d to the track. Once on the track, we did an Indian Run for 2 laps around the track. The last 1/2 lap of the Indian Run was a jail break back to the start

Lastly, we did a few wind sprints in which Group 1 did the sprints while Group 2 did Al Gore’s coupled with a jump squat each time group 1 made it back to the starting point. Then we switched.

After that, we mosey’d to the flag, hit 15 burpees on our own just for good measure, and then did the count-off, name-o-rama, announcements, intentions, and prayer. Thanks for coming out, fellas. It always feels good to start off the work week right with an F3 beatdown