Being on my feet over at the salon every day is no easy task and, with the Gnarly Nutria only a day away, it seemed like a good idea to give the legs a rest today. While that may sound like YHC actually had a plan, make no mistake – this was one of those mornings where you wake up with a funny feeling that you might be the Q and, once verified, that maybe you should’ve checked that out yesterday rather than the morning of.
But YHC was in luck – it was a light crowd (thanks Cowbell for posting), and he had the fan-favorite ISI challenge of the month to fall back on. 8 minutes of the beatdown already planned for me! Shouldn’t be too difficult to scrounge together another 37 minutes…
Warmorama: seal jacks, toe touches, arm circles, hillbillies, butt kicks, SSH, all x20 IC.
ISI Plank, Part 1: 3 mins.
Mosey over to the tunnel for a routine: x20 diamond merkins at the base of the tunnel, backpedal up to the top, x15 wide-armed merks, mosey back for x10 diamonds, and backpedal up for a final x5 wide-armed. Rinse and repeat, but with the following: Sister Mary K’s (IC) / monkey humpers (IC), big boy sit-ups / putins (IC).
ISI Plank, Part 2: 3 mins.
Mosey back to the trailhead for a quick round of partner suicides / squats. Then, just to make the final round of the ISI challenge a little more fun, over to the benches for a round of Freak Nasties, x20 IC.
Closed out with a Mary of flutters, Freddie’s, and Dolly’s, all Cowbell-style and all IC x20. COT with Cowbell praying us out before diving into the final two minutes of our ISI.
Thanks for the opportunity to lead and get my head back in the game!