No Problemata Tabata
No Problemata Tabata

No Problemata Tabata

PAX:highrise, hand grenada, baywatch, half nelson, amnesty, fast tax, darkwing duck, left eye, baloo, col mustard, rougarou, triple shift, billy goat, shuffles, mahatma, abacus, holygrove, hokey pokey, tool, rudy, walleye, cuch, Ya Mom'n Dem, scantron

24 person tabata? No problem! We’ll head to they gym today and use the stairs.

Side straddle hop
Wind mills
Grass grabbers
Low slow squats
Mountain climbers
Peter Parkers 
Box cutters
Flutter kicks

Tabata (40 second workout, 20 second rest, 8 times)

Divide into 3 groups, each group takes a workout (decline pushups on the Gym stairs) and then rotate through the workouts. ie – group1 on the stairs, group 2 lined up behind them, group 3 behind them. Group 1 starts at Decline pushups, 2 at squats, 3 at bench press. After the set, each group moves to the next station.

1st Round

Decline pushups
Bench Press

2nd Round

Stair Jumps