It was a hot morning for a workout. Even after the initial warm-up, we were sweating, which made what we accomplished below awesome.
Our exercise for today was a modified shuttle-run workout.
- Karaokes
- Butt Kickers
- Zombie Walking
- Backwards Run
- High Knees
- Karaokes
Then we partnered up. While one person was running through the modified shuttle-run, the other had their choice of kettle bell swings (15lbs), Arm Circles, or High Plank until relieved.
Set #1 – 6 Rounds – 3 each person
- Broad Jumps to the Transition Point
- 10 X Diamond Merkins
- Sprint to the next Transition Point
- 30 X Mountain Climbers
- Broad Jumps to the Transition Point
- 10 X Burpees
- Run back through the set to the starting point and transition with your partner
After a 30-second count-down…
Set #2 – 4 rounds – 2 each person
- Bear Crawl to the Transition Point
- 5 X Merkins
- Sprint to the next Transition Point
- 20 X Plank Jacks
- Lunge to the Transition Point
- 5 X Merkin Jacks
- Run back through the set to the starting point and transition with your partner.
We mosey-ed back to flag where we did a cool-down, name-a-rama, and did our prayer.
We were smoked at the end. I want to believe it was how hot it was and not hard the workout was.
Next time, we are going to remind our PAXs to stay hydrated the night before, so in the early morning we can push through the summer heat of NOLA.