17 – A Shoutout to War Eagle
17 – A Shoutout to War Eagle

17 – A Shoutout to War Eagle

PAX:Baloo, Breadsticks, Briefs, FracSac, Tool, Room Service, Ya Mom'n Dem, Smooth, Shuffles, Walleye, Shingles

Why is 17 a shoutout to War Eagle? Because that’s as high as most people from Alabama can count… Okay, had to get one Bama joke out there. It’s actually the amount of National Championships their football team claims (infinite asterisks by that number of course). But still, on a day when our boy was dealing with some issues far more serious than anything even related to football rooting interests, it seemed appropriate to let him know we were thinking of him.

Of course, this plan would have been better executed had Ya Mom’n Dem and I shown up on time. Employing perhaps the most tortured logistics one could imagine, YHC and YMnD first made a wrong turn, then after retrieving 2 cinder blocks from the pile by the field, made a lap around the park instead of just backing up to the baby foundry. So a 2-minute job took 10 and we pulled up as the PAX were running toward the track. Luckily Frac got the warmup started and we were able to jump right in.

  • SSHx31
  • IWx17
  • Peter Parkerx17
  • Parker Peterx17
  • Arm Circlesx17 (10 forward, 7 backward)


When YHC volunteered the clown car to take this one, he made it clear that either one of them should take it, or it was going to be a tabata and jump ropes day. And so it was. 8 stations

  • jumping rope
  • curl and press cinder blocks
  • sweat angels
  • pull-ups
  • dips
  • Angle grinders
  • burpees
  • Jump Squats ( real ones, 180 degree turn, drop down as you land and back up)


  • Round 1: Calm Like a Bomb (Rage Against the Machine)
  • Round 2: Stronger (Kanye)
  • Round 3: Welcome to the Jungle
  • Round 4: This is how we do it (where I’m From) (Big Tymers)
  • Round 5: Born to Run (Bruce Springsteen)

Little help from Tool on selecting tracks, and I tried to offer options for the #respects and the #hates.

Quick Mosey to the Neutral Ground for Choose your Own Adventure Mary. Everyone led an exercise. The point, possibly corny, was that when we work together, we can all take a little of the load off someone’s shoulders and offer a bit of help to those who need it. War Eagle has much bigger concerns than worrying about who is taking his Q, so we’ll all share the load a little. That’s kinda what we do here at F3.

COT, Prayers for Jonathan Serigne, War Eaglet, War Eagle’s family, and everyone else dealing with health issues. Reminder to appreciate our health and reach out to those who are less lucky. I’m lucky to be a part of this group. – Kuch