21’s at the Muscleship
21’s at the Muscleship

21’s at the Muscleship

QIC:Two Yutes
PAX:Hawgcycle, Mahatma, Kenna Brah, Grimis, SOGO, Shingles, Donatello, Screw Top, Green Screen, Fracsac, Two Yutes

YHC saw the previous week that the Mucsleship did not have a Q and took the opportunity Q his first visit to the Muscleship.  Quick disclaimer was given and warm up.


Smurf Jacks x 21

Imperial Walkers x 21 (the PAX quickly saw a theme but were incorrect YHC did not hit the black jack tables the night before)

Seal Jacks x 21

Grass Grabbers x 21

Wind Mills x 21

21’s – I had seen this in a back blast from Fracsac not long ago and saw it at the top of the exercise list on the F3 website.  SSH were the exercise of choice and this a more of a mental test than physical test.  YHC would count in cadence to 5 and then the PAX would have to count in their head and stop right at 21.  If the PAX stopped before or after YHC there would be a penalty.  To my surprise our attempt at this was a success and no penalty was levied.

Bear Crawl Ring of Fire

PAX remained circled up and bear crawled in a circle until YHC said stop and then YHC did 10 merkins while the PAX planked and once each PAX completed 10 merkins the bear crawled continued.  Two rounds was enough to get the juices flowing.

Thang 1

Dirty McDuce

Round 1

Derkins x 12

Right Leg Step Ups x 12

Dying Cockroach x 12

Lap around the museum

Round 2

Shoulder Taps x12

Left Leg Step Ups x 12

Russian Twists x 12

Lap around the museum (during which YHC was advised by Frac that there should have been a penalty on the 21’s as Screw Top finished after YHC, turns out my back was to Screw Top and missed him finishing late.  We will tests the group one the 21’s again later).

Round 3

Irkins x 12

Squats x 12

Freddie Mercuries x 12

Lap around the museum

Round 4

Floyd Mayweahter’s x 12

Box Jumps x 12

Hello Dolly x12

Lap around the museum

Thang 2

Good ole Route 66

1 Burpee at tree one and lunge walk to tree two

2 Burpee’s at tree two and lunge walk to tree three

And repeat until we hit tree 11 for 11 Burpee’s

Now that everyone’s was gas tank was approaching empty YHC decided to once again test the mental strength of the group and we revisited the 21 exercise.  This time keeping a close eye on Screw Top who was clearly focused on the task at hand but could not match YHC cadence.  I will take the blame for that but alas this time a penalty of 10 Burpee’s was levied to the group.

Thang 3

Hurricane Hoedown

This consist of 7 rounds of 4 variations on flutter kicks with each round reducing the count by 1.

Each round we did the following flutter kicks: hands raised, hands out in front, on your elbows and then standard flutter kick.

The PAX assisted YHC with someone taking a round.

Last of the exercise was two rounds of merkin ring of fire with each PAX doing 10 merkins and planking while the others completed their merkins.

With a little time on the clock YHC thought it would be a good idea to do some stretching when Kenna Brah volunteered to lead the stretching.  We will spare the details but it will be a long time before YHC entrusts Kenna Brah to close out the workout with some “good stretches.” 


Count O Rama, Name O Rama, announcements, intentions and prayer.  As always it is an honor to lead and workout with the F3 brotherhood.  SYITG.