Loose as a Goose
Loose as a Goose

Loose as a Goose

PAX:Screw Top, Half Nelson, Shuffles, High Rise, Kuch, Abacus, Blue Angel, Smooth

It’s always stimulating to start of the week with an F3 beatdown first thing Monday morning. So when 5:30am hit, I issued the disclaimer and we set off to mosey to the track Once at the track, we did a dynamic stretching warmup that consisted of:

  • High knees
  • Butt kicks
  • Open the gate
  • Close the gate
  • Karaoke (30 yards out, 30 yards back)

Following the dynamic stretching, each PAX did some individual static stretching on their own to get loose. Once everyone was loose as a Goose (Top Gun Danger Zone reference), we began with some ladder / sprint combos:

  • 1) High knees through the ladder, then 50 meter sprint. Mosey back
  • 2) Butt kicks through the ladder, then 50 meter sprint. Mosey back
  • 3) Squat jumps through the ladder, then 50 meter sprint. Mosey back
  • 4) Sideways in & out’s through the ladder, then 50 meter sprint. Mosey back 
  • 5) Sideways in & out’s through the ladder on the other side, then 50 meter sprint. Mosey back

We took a brief 20 count break, then we proceed to do the same thing except we did 100 meter sprints:

  • 1) High knees through the ladder, then 100 meter sprint. Mosey back
  • 2) Butt kicks through the ladder, then 100 meter sprint. Mosey back
  • 3) Squat jumps through the ladder, then 100 meter sprint. Mosey back
  • 4) Sideways in & out’s through the ladder, then 100 meter sprint. Mosey back
  • 5) Sideways in & out’s through the ladder on the other side, then 100 meter sprint. Mosey back

After this, we mosey’d to the middle of the track for some mary. We circled up, and then each member of the PAX had to lead a mary exercise in cadence using a 15 count. Screw Top & Smooth (if my memory serves me correctly) harnessed their inner Double J & decided to have us do some merkins instead of a mary exercise. Fortunately, though, no penalty burpees were issued for not following directions.

Once every member of the PAX had finished counting off their exercise, we did some line drills. There were 5 drains along the inside part of the track, so we partnered up and then sprinted back & forth to each of the 5 drains. The first set of sprints was from shortest to longest (we began with the closest drain & ended with the drain that was furthest away). The next set of sprints was from longest to shortest (we began with the last drain & ended with the drain that was closest).

After this, we took a brief 20 count break & then we ended with a 100 meter sprint and then a mosey around the track. Back at that flag, High Rise led us in some static stretching & then we did the count-off & prayer. I forgot the name-o-rama (was operating on 2 hours of sleep that morning), so we did the name-o-rama after the prayer was over just & then called it a day. Thanks for the opportunity to lead, fellas, and my apologies for the terrible Top Gun Goose joke above!