17 PAX managed to meet up on a humid, sunny Wednesday morning. Summer is coming since the Knight King was handled by a teenager. PAX will miss the cool, dry air for the next 6 months. Welcome back – PaceCar from F3 Houston and Hand Grenade from San Antonio. At 6:30, YHC gave his standard disclaimer and off went the PAX.
Short mosey to the Band Stand and did the following in cadence:
SSHs x 20
Windmills x 10
Grass Grabber x 10
Self Love x 10
Hill Billies x 20
MC x 20
PAX did BLIMPS down the Oak Alley. Stopped at each light post and did the following:
5 Burpees
10 Lunges (2 is 1)
15 Imperial Walkers (2 is 1)
20 Merkins
25 Plank Jacks
30 Squats
Got back on the running track of Audubon Park and ran to the front of Audubon Zoo where the PAX normally do DORA.
Relay Race
Partnered up. YHC stressed this is a team race. While one PAX was resting and waiting in front of the Zoo, the other PAX was sprinting to the first light post, did 3 Hand-Release Burpees (Hurpees), and sprint back. Tag his partner and flap jack where the 2nd PAX ran to the same first post and did 3 hurpees. This is the sequence of the Relay Race:
to the first light post with 3 hurpees
to the 2nd light post with 30 LBCs
to the 3rd light post with 3 hurpees
to the 4th light post with 30 shoulder taps (2 is 1)
to the first light post with 2 hurpees
to the 2nd light post with 20 LBCs
to the 3rd light post with 2 hurpees
to the 4th light post with 20 shoulder taps (2 is 1)
to the first light post with 1 hurpees
to the 2nd light post with 10 LBCs
to the 3rd light post with 1 hurpees
to the 4th light post with 10 shoulder taps (2 is 1)
YHC stressed to each PAX to give it all on their sprint because each will get a chance to rest in between and there will be a prize for the first, second, and third place teams – more burpees 🙂 T-claps to Bartman & King Kong, G-Spot & Yankee, and Tinkles & 86 for finishing 1st, 2nd, and 3rd, respectively.
Round of Mary with the help of the PAX
King Kong – Dying Cockroach x 20 IC
Yankee – O Dolly
PaceCar – Monkey Humpers x 25 IC
Quarter Pipe – Willie Wrecker x 15 IC (Willie Wrecker is BACK!!!)
G-Spot – Real Freddy x 20 IC
Moseyed back to the flag at 6:15 a.m.
Count-O-Rama 17 PAX, Name-O-Rama, announcements, intentions. Thank You all again for the opportunity to lead. I am always grateful to be able to workout with the PAX. SYITG
King Kong