Adapt, Improvise, Overcome!
Adapt, Improvise, Overcome!

Adapt, Improvise, Overcome!

QIC:Boo Boo
PAX:Boo Boo, Abacus, Catfish, Bogey, Triple Shift, King Kong, Jingle Vader, War Eagle, Gabrielle, Pace Car (Houston visitor)

YHC had a different title in mind for the beatdown today, but God had other plans. YHC arrived at the Muscleship AO ten minutes early in real gloom, rain and lightening. Catfish was already in place and doing somersaults in the rain. Then Bogey appeared out of the gloom. At this point, there was no turning back. The Muscleship flag was planted as a total of ten PAX arrived, including Pace Car from Houston, ready to conquer the day. YHC is not creative, but made a feeble attempt to be creative with an animal themed workout to satisfy Kuch’s recent fascination with animal exercises; however, Abacus quickly pointed out a obvious missed opportunity for a Star Wars theme being May 4th (May the Fourth be With You)! Again, creativity is not YHC’s area of strength.


As leaders we have the responsibility of the safety of those we lead. With lightening in the area, an open field, and a shovel flag built out of metal pipe, YHC made the decision to adapt the planned beatdown to avoid the lightening. A short mosey was made to the overhang at the entrance of NOMA for a warmup IC, as follows x 25: SSH, Hill Billies, Arm circles (x 10 each direction), Grass Grabbers, Plank Jacks, Abe Vigodas (x15).

The Thang

We moseyed to a nearby pavilion for the amended beatdown and were greeted with music and booths for the Daiquiri Run, where the pre-race prep involved libations and cigarettes. There was mumble chatter about registering for the race to exude dominance over the smoker division, but the PAX chose a wet, semi-animal themed beatdown. We opted for the neighboring play area, which provided little shelter from the rain or the lightening, but it’s what we had. As an added bonus, we were treated to an unexpected test of mental toughness by having to dodge garbage strewn throughout the play area. An immune builder technique for the PAX and the children of NOLA.

In lieu of an animal theme suicide routine, the PAX performed alligator merkins, dragon walks, frog hops, and bear crawls at the distance of two support poles per exercise.

Next, the PAX paired off for DORA 1-2-3 consisting of 100 crunchy frogs, 200 incline merkins, and 300 LSS. A 363 routine of merkins and LSS was completed, with some confusion over the Q’s cadence. Tclaps to the PAX for staying with it.

Then some Mary consisting of the following x 20: side lunges, tin snips, LBCs, penguins, and Freddy Mercury.

Next, the PAX formed a circle and executed a Ring of Fire using burpees and LSS, x5 each.

The PAX moseyed back to the flag just in time for the lightening and rain to stop. With two minutes left, the PAX completed monkey humpers x 20 and smurf jacks x 15.

COT: Count off, name-o-rama, announcements, intentions and a prayer. Tclaps to the PAX for showing up on a truly gloomy Saturday; staying with it through less than ideal conditions; and helping me adapt, improvise, and overcome. It’s truly an honor to be part of such a great group of men and even more of an honor to be given an opportunity to lead them.