PAX:Barely Legal, Bird, Maverick, Mitt, Sparky, Stockboy, Toto, Zoolander

In honor of the recently completed NCAA Championship, QIC devised the inaugural F3 Northshore Marsh Madness that paid homage to none other than former U of Arkansas head coach, Nolan Richardson, whose teams’ up tempo and intense pressure defensive style was known as “40 Minutes of Hell.”

With lighting and thunder behind us, the light rain subsiding, and many regulars crushing Ragnar, our group of 7 got started.

Quick Warmorama around the invisible shovel flag consisted of Sweet 16 x Toe Touches, Side Straddle Hops, Bobby Hurleys, Makhtar N’ Merkins (6 count Makhtar N’Diayes followed by a Merkin). Maverick came in hot at the end of the warm up to round out the Pax of Elite 8.

Pax moseyed ¾ miles to the Milestone Marsh, home of F3 Northshore’s Monday morning beatdown. Following instruction, Pax partnered up into 4 x 2 man teams at each corner of the court with a basketball. Each team was to complete the following exercises in sequence accumulating to total.

• 150 x Burpees

• 300 x Squats

• 150 x Big Boy Sit Ups

• 300 x Air Presses

• 150 x Merkins

•  300 x Lunges

Meanwhile, 1 member of each team backpedaled with their basketball to half court, performed a Bobby Hurley, and drove to goal for a shot of his choosing: layup (1 point if sunk), free throw (2 points if sunk), or three point shot (3 points if sunk). Shooters marked their points using the first letter of their F3 name with sidewalk chalk. The competition was to end when the first team completed all exercises and all members of the team planked on the sideline and yelled “Halt!”, but no team was finished by 0715, so QIC called it in respect of time.

Total team points and individual team member points were tallied. The SW corner represented by Bird and Sparky had the most combined points (81).

The highest scoring individual from each of the 4 teams were Bird, Stockboy, Toto, and Zoolander. The Final Four were summoned for a 5-shot “Around-the-World” shoot out, while the rest of the Pax lined the 3-point line performing side straddle hops (so as to simulate fans in the stands trying to distract the shooter). After the 4 rounds and sinking 3 of 5 shots, Zoolander emerged as the soon to be never remembered 2019 F3 Northshore Marsh Madness champion! We’ll see if the prestigious title can be defended in a year or so.

Time was short, so the Pax of Elite 8 moseyed back to the meeting spot.

Counterama, Nameorama. Welcome FNG Joel who sank 16 three pointers and is now known as Bird.

QIC prayed us out. Thanks for following my lead today men. See you in the next Gloom.