RED Friday: The Wittman Hero WOD
RED Friday: The Wittman Hero WOD

RED Friday: The Wittman Hero WOD

PAX:Hand Grenada, Fast Tax, Riggs

Our prayers go out to our brother Hawg as his mother went home to Jesus Christ after a battle with cancer. Pray for Hawg’s family and especially his father during this time.

Since Hawg is returning from Arkansas today, YHC picked up the Q for our monthly RED Friday Hero WOD at the Uptowner. YHC searched through Crossfit and F3 workouts for the ideal Hero WOD this morning. After some searching, the perfect workout was discovered.

On Feb. 4, 2018, Hawg led the first RED Friday workout at the Uptowner with a grand total of 4 participants: Hawg, Big Rock, Little Rock, and the Wall. Hawg muscled through the workout as the Lone Ranger and finished the goal of 7 rounds. Since Hawg was out of town, YHC thought it was appropriate to give the Wittman WOD a second go.

The Warmup

28 SSH

20 Hillbillies (YHC’s form was better than ever after spending two days in Paragould, AR with Hawg’s clan)

15 Side Lunges

The Thang

15 Kettlebell swings with a little rock

15 Power Cleans with a big rock

15 box jumps on the Uptowner Wall

Goal: 7 rounds

The Results

Today’s results are a testament to the importance of pushing one another to improve and iron sharpening iron. None of today’s Pax is in the same league as Hawg. Most workouts Hawg stands out as a man among boys as he leads in his flip-flops. YHC was certain all would fail to finish since Hawg only completed 7 rounds last Feb. Everyone hit 8. Hand Grenada finished 9. YHC finished 9 minus the box jumps on the last round. Fast Tax and Riggs finished 8 rounds. My assumption is the accountability of the Pax adds 2 rounds (maybe 3).

The Honor

Today’s workout was in honor of U.S. Army Sergeant Jeremiah Wittman, 26, of Darby, MT, assigned to the 1st Battalion, 12th Infantry Regiment, 4th Brigade Combat Team, 4th Infantry Division, based out of Fort Carson, CO, was killed on February 13, 2010 , when insurgents attacked his unit with a roadside bomb in Zhari province, Afghanistan.

He is survived by his daughters Miah and Ariauna, wife Karyn, siblings Robert H., Charity, Jenell, and Natasha, father Robert, and mother Cynthia Church.

Thank you for the opportunity to lead. Be in prayer for Hawg’s family and Fast Tax as his father struggles with Parkinson and Dementia.


Rev Sox