Speed workout
Speed workout

Speed workout

PAX:Cowbell, the Greek, triple shift, Jesus juice, Dirty Dell (FNG), Briefs(FNG), BoBo, ???, ???,????

Something different for pax this morning at 610 stomp, some speed work at the track. Isn’t this why we set up the workout near the track, yet we always head away from it? In any event it is great timing for those getting ready for CCC on the 20th. Here is what we did:

Warm ups:

IW x 20

PP x 15

Grass grabbers x 15

Then (1) mile as fast as we can for a baseline time measure, cool down.

Back again for another mile but…. 10 burpees at each split 4 times

The speed runs at 100, 200, 300, 400 and 100 jog in between.

Then some stretching and Mary:

Flutter kicks -15

Freddie Mercury – 15

IBCs – 15

Then back to COT to name fngs and the normal closings, welcome to new FNGs and hope to see you again.

Finally, condolences to Hawgcycle for the passing of his mother. Our prayers are with you and your family in this hard time.

See y’all on the radio and in the gloom
