Seven PAX convened for YHC’s virgin Q. The disclaimer was initially botched and we rudely cut off a biker so it was a rocky start.
Alas, got the blood flowing along St. Charles for a few blocks before turning around for a warm-up in Cowen Circle:
- SSH x 20
- Windmills x 15
- Mountain climbers x 25
- Slow merkins x 15
Next, headed out on a mosey, missed the originally planned turn, and eventually arrived at the Tulane ROTC pull-up bars. There we:
- Round 1: Pull-ups to failure + 10 merkins + 15 jumping air squats
- Round 2: Pull-ups to at least half of Round 1 number + 10 merkins + 15 jumping air squats
- Round 3: Pull-ups to failure + 10 merkins + 15 jumping air squats
Then we continued on a mosey to the LBC Quad where the University had graciously set-up spotlights for us; it was a sight to behold:

In honor of Bones and my beloved San Francisco Giants beating the Dodgers last night, we played “baseball” under the lights, performing different exercises at each “base” of the diamond:
- Home plate: 9 burpees
- 1st base: 18 Nolan Ryans
- 2nd base: 27 jumping lunge squats
- 3rd base: 36 LBCs
Multiples of nine since it’s both eponymous with my namesake and baseball games have nine innings. Bases were longer than MLB standards at about 40-50 yards apart; we did two rounds.
Mosey back towards towards our AO with an initial pitstop at the Loyola Rec Center garage.
Side note: does this garage have a name? If not, I’m going with Freret Street Summit or Wolfpack Pinnacle. To be discussed at our next F2 event…
Nonethless, ran up the stairs, performed a round of Mary at the top with each of the 7 PAX leading their favorite ab workout, and headed back down the stairs.
Continued the mosey homeward with the final stop being WPM for 15 decline merks on the first ramp followed by 15 incline merks. Popped over to the stairwell, did a quick up-and-down the Mountain, and made it back to the flag with 30 seconds to spare.
Special shoutout to the fine gentlemen of this morning’s Tsunami (namely Mariah) for enduring my horrendous navigational skills and poor sense of timing…