Gleeful that LSU Hoopsters made it to the Sweet 16, and enjoying some Brand Spanking New F3 Baton Rouge workout shirts, we posted at The Knoll and made the rounds of our favorite workout stations….

The Q gave the usual disclaimers: I’m not a professional trainer, I’m not bonded or insured, and I rarely arrive on time (so thanks for starting without me!)
- Mosey to the sundial (where we were joined by the tardy Q!)
- Arm Circles x2
- Windmills
- Toy Soldier
- (Getting our hammies all nice and loose)
- Freak Nasty & Incline Merkin (gettin nice guns to treat the women in our lives)
- Lunge A Thon across the front field. (Can you ever do too many lunges?)
- Mosey to the top of the hill (snaking the Long Way around!)
- Partner up – one runs down and up, the other does Squat Thrusts – to a total of 40 Squat Thrusts. (a routine we’ve missed for awhile!)
- Mosey to nearby picnic benches – a new spot for us.
- Follow the Leader over the tables and around.
- Incline merkins
- Mosey to pullup bars (now for some biceps)
- Partner up – 30 pullups between the 2 of you
- Mosey to stairs
- Calf raises: 25 heels out, 25 regular, 25 heels in (hoping your coworkers notice your limp on Monday)
- Draw Cards from the F3 Card Deck, to fill in the rest of the time….. and Lady Luck drew us some
- Plank Jacks (no strong consensus on which muscle this works, but we were all out of breath either way)
- Shoulder Taps (the rocking motion is the key)
- 6-MOM: Taking Turns to Lead
- Leg lifts
- Rock the Cradle
- LBCs
- Penguins
- Jane Fondas
- American Hammer
- COT: The Serenity Prayer, and intentions for safe travels