The Trifecta and Smart-Sackin’ Steve
The Trifecta and Smart-Sackin’ Steve

The Trifecta and Smart-Sackin’ Steve

PAX:Shooter, Waterpik, Bushwacker (QIC)

With a pre-announced smart sack strategy, YHC knew The Marsh would be Steveless. And with a congressional psychology strategy (ask for more than you need then negotiate down to what you want;), Shooter was a lock. The rest of the PAX was going to be a mystery. The rest of the PAX turned out to be The reigning Northshore H8 champion, Waterpik! With a trifecta achieved, we began…


15xs IC:

Toe Touches

Cherry Pickers

Torso Twists

Imperial Walkers

High Knees

Butt Kicks

Fire Hydrants

Scorpion Kicks


We started at the monkey bars with 4 “as long as we can” rounds of this month’s ISI of flexed arm hang/dead hang

Inspired by the consistently frenetic quality of Saturday’s H8 beat down, QIC lead the guys around the block 2 times, with a high rep exercise at each corner:

50 merkins


100 LBCs

50 lunges

50 100s

50 jump squats

50 freak nasties (a la conveniently placed neighborhood bench)

50 freddy mercurys

10 burpees


The PAX finished with some well-deserved and much-appreciated yoga stretches


Q took us out with appreciation of his F3 bothers and the day full of possibilities and opportunities. Many thanks, guys, for your diligence an effort. There can be no one to lead if there is no one to follow.