Sunnyside 2.0 w/ 2.0s
Sunnyside 2.0 w/ 2.0s

Sunnyside 2.0 w/ 2.0s

PAX:Gabrielle (Tacos), Peppa (Wonderwoman and Badgirl), Douille (Banana and Narhwal), BrownBag (Odouls, Tatertot and TinyTot), King Kong (Ruby and Shimmer), Willy (Sparkle ), Quincy (Seabass), and YHC's (Cashbar and Goldbar)

Not too gloomy this morning as 21 PAX and 2.0s posted at the AO. T-claps to Gabrielle for bringing the flag, but more on that in a moment. Quick overview for the 2.0s of what F3 means and why their daddies come home sweaty and stinky in the mornings.


SSH IC x 15
Tacos (Gabrielle 2.0) and Goldbar (YHC’s 2.0) demo’d and led a “flossing” warmup. The PAX were rank amateurs and there was intense modification around the circle.

Then YHC did a poor imitation of the friendly neighborhood Spiderman, followed by IC x 20ish Peter Parkers, Parker Peters. Next up, Forward arm circles IC x 10, reverse arm circles IC x 10. We finished the warm-up with homage to Monsters, Inc. Scaryfeet Burpees!! – 5 burpees with Scaryfeet in between each.

Mosey (with a 2.0 on each PAX back) over to the playground. Divided into 2 groups for stations. Groups stay together and move between stations.
OYO Pullups – 10 per dad + 10 per assisted 2.0s.
Zipline – Dads & 2.0s do Carolina 10 drydocks/10 monkeyhumpers until everyone in the group does the Zipline


PAX piggyback 2.0s to the a friendly Oak. All 2.0s into the tree using 2.0 ladder seat thrusters (a movement unique to NOLA PAX that results in a child being happily perched 6 ft in the air, ready to catch Chinese made baubles).

Then a Piggyback Mosey to Animal Parade in front of the park. We split in 2 groups one starting on each side of the columns – Frog Hop halfway, Crabcrawl back, Duck walk halfway, Bear Crawl back. Shimmer (King Kong’s 2.0 did an exemplary bear crawl that would put most PAX to shame).

Then mosey to the fountain bench for: -Bench’s Dips -(12) 4count IC, Decline Merks (10 IC), Incline Merks (10 IC).

Then with much trepidation, YHC had PAX and 2.0s form 2 lines for an Indian run. Anxiety was overblown. The 2.0s nailed it with much less mumblechatter or sloppy lines than our PAX usually have in the gloom. We finished our Indian run at the second octagonal gazebo where we did 4 count right-leg and leftleg step ups IC. Then YHC led the PAX in a sprint across the oval field only to learn it was a nearly impassable marsh. We pulled up for some Leprechauns over the rainbow – OYO PAX do 20 merks, while 2.0s hop over us on the down. One more mosey to….

LEARN OUR FLAG HAS BEEN STOLEN!!! Who swipes an F3 flag, really?

But the PAX rallied for the Caterpillar, which is, Dads in high plank, kids crawl through, last dad sprints to the front.

Circle, countoff, nam-o-rama and welcome to FNGs (Seabass, TinyTot, Narhwal, Banana, and BadGirl). Prayer and thanks for the time we have with these wonderful little people. Follow up F2 with beignets and coffee. They earned the sugar intake!
