Maybe we should sit around & talk about our feelings
Maybe we should sit around & talk about our feelings

Maybe we should sit around & talk about our feelings

PAX:Bogey, Quincy, High Rise, FrontLine, Kuch, Abacus, Pai Gow, Mahatma-Ice, Kimchi, Rudy, FBO, Tool

It was chilly, rainy & dark when I got out of bed on Saturday morning, so I was dragging my feet a little to get dressed. On the Mumblechatter, Tool & Kimchi posted messages to get the PAX motivated to get out of bed & come post. While the LV fellas (Kuch, Half Nelson, Abacus & High Rise) & myself were clown carring to the AO, we bounced some workout ideas off of each other. One idea was to avoid the rain altogether & head strait to Navarre café so that the PAX could all drink coffee & share their respective feelings with one another in lieu of working out in the cold/rain. Once I saw Mahatma arrive at the workout, I knew this option would be a tough sell, so I proceeded to commence the beatdown.

Warmup: We mosey’d to the pavilion by CBS; circled up, and then proceeded to do the following in cadence:

  • side straddle hops – 20
  • imperial squat walkers – 20
  • plank jacks – 20
  • high knees – 20

Next, we split into 2 groups. Group 1 moved to 1 side of the pavilion, and group 2 moved to the other side:

Group 1:

  • 10 inchworm burpees
  • 50 big boy sit ups
  • 100 seal jacks

Group 2:

  • 10 regular burpees
  • 50 dips on the benches
  • 200 shoulder taps

Group 1 did their exercises in cadence, and then made sure that Group 2 was aware that they finished their exercises first. We then switched sides / exercises. For this round, Group 2 did their exercises in cadence (loudly to jab back at Group 1), and Group 2 finished first. Group 1 pointed out that Group 2 did LBC’s instead of big boy sit ups, and that’s why they finished first. This was in part (and by, in part, I mean 100%) the Q’s fault, as I mistakenly said LBC’s to Group 2 when giving the instructions for round 2.

Next we attempted to do a long jump / inchworm burpee combo, but it was too wet/slick in the pavilion, so we shut that down and mosey’s back to the fountain. Once at the fountain, we did an interval exercise where the PAX did 1 box jump on the fountain, ran to the museum steps, bunny hopped up the steps, did 1 merkin at the top of the steps, then ran down the steps back to the fountain. Once at the fountain, the PAX did 2 box jump, ran to the museum steps, bunny hopped up the steps, did 2 merkins at the top of the steps, then ran down the steps back to the fountain. We did this until we got to 10 box jumps / 10 merkins.

Next, the PAX mosey’d to the side of the museum & proceeded to do the following:

  • Group 1 – people’s chair on the wall
  • Group 2 – 200 Rocky Balboas (timer)

Once Group 2 finished the Rocky Balboas, we switched and had Group 1 do the Rocky Balboas & Group 2 lean against the wall to do the people’s chair. At one point, Rudy questioned Mahatma’s cadence technique while he was leading Group 2 in doing the Rocky Balboas, but ultimately the math checked out & we proceeded on with the workout

Next, we mosey’d to the grass & did the following:

  • Lunge walk / inchworm burpee combo from Tree 0 to Tree 1 & back
  • Bear Crawl from Tree 0 to Tree 2; do 31 squats (not sure where the number 31 came from, it just felt like the right amount); and then Bear Crawl back

Lastly, we headed back to the fountain & did the following in cadence:

  • Irkins – 21
  • Dips – 16
  • Left leg high knee step up – 21
  • Right leg high knee step up – 21
  • Dirkins – 16
  • Plank jacks on museum steps – 31 (there’s that 31 again for no particular reason. Classic)

Once completed, we mosey’d to the flag for the count off, name-o-rama, announcements, intentions & prayer. Thanks for posting on Saturday morning, fellas. I enjoyed it!