Running Interference
Running Interference

Running Interference

PAX:Shooter, Captain Sparkles, Pelican, Steve, Bushwacker

YHC woke to the sound of rain, knowing he may have to adjust the planned Beatdown a little. A lot of uphill/downhill sprints were originally planned, but we all know how slippery the tunnel of love gets when wet.

YHC arrived a little earlier than usual for the Q, but surprisingly, half the PAX was already there. Shooter already drenched in sweat from his run from home. All arrived, 5:15am came, so off we went…

WarmOrama: Good Mornings, Windmills, Toe Touches, Imperial Walkers

PAX moseyed to “The Love Tunnel”: Along the way there was concern that a band of rain was on the way. At Grandma’s, there is a covered area to perform exercises, but we took our chances.

PAX separated into 2 groups of 3. Almost forgetting, YHC gave disclaimer. While group 2 did Freddy Mercurys, Group 1 jogged down the slope of the tunnel, ran at about 80% on the flat, then ran at 100% up the other side, then did the same on the way back. The groups flapjacked. Rinse and repeat; We did a 2nd round, doing squats in place of Freddy Mercurys.

PAX moseyed to “Interference” bar and Saia’s parking lot, a new venue for the PAX.

A variation of a routine borrowed from Maverick:

Pax separated into two groups, and started catercorner to each other across the parking lot. PAX performed 25 reps of a different exercise at each corner of the parking, running from corner to corner: Burpees, Merkins, LBC’s, Lunges. Rinse and repeat for 2 rounds.

Next, PAX moseyed back to the Farmer’s Market area. As we ran through Wendy’s Drive-Thru, some of the PAX mentioned their favorite Wendy’s meals, like the “Double Stacks;” however, Pelican said that he favors Jack in the Box, going into detail about their tacos…If only Wendy’s were open…

Arriving at the Farmer’s Market area with only 10 minutes remaing, YHC called for a modified(shortened) version of Dora 1,2,3. Teams of 2 PAX working together to reach cumulative exercise goals of 50 Merkins, 100 Freddy Mercurys, and 150 Squats. PAX 1 executed as many reps as possible while PAX 2 back-peddled about 20 yards down and sprinted back, flapjacking until the team goal was reached.
PAX finished at exactly the 6:00 buzzer.

We did circle of trust, and CountOnameO. Thank you Steve for praying us out, thanks Guys for the opportunity to lead…and thank you God for holding up on the rain.

As PAX dispersed, Bushwacker shared that he knows its a good Beatdown, when he feels a litttle anger towards the Q….