Just Being HIMs
Just Being HIMs

Just Being HIMs

QIC:Jingle Vader
PAX:Bongo, Cooch, Hokie Pokie, Jingle Vader, Mahatma Ice, Rudy, Woz, Yo Momanem

It’s a start of a new year.  So just get at it.  A PAX of eight on this blustery morning, waves crashing onto the promenade.  After a brief disclaimer and a mosey around the fountain and across the street, The Thang:

Warm Up:

  • SSHs 25xIC
  • Low Slow Squats 25xIC
  • Merkins 25xIC

First COP: Route 66 along the planters with box jumps: one at the first planter, mosey back; two at the second, mosey back; etc. up to 11 box jumps at the 11th planter.

Second COP: Mosey down aways for

  • Dips 20xIC
  • Half V-Ups 20xIC
  • Dips 20xIC
  • Dying Cockroachs 20xIC

Third COP: Mosey to the bottom of the levee.  Then lunge walk to the top, 50 LBCs, duck walk back down, Bernie Sanders back up, 50 more LBCs; then mosey back to the flag.

Circle of Mary:

  • Russian Twists 20xIC
  • Big Boy Sit-Ups 20xIC
  • Flutter Kicks 20xIC
  • Penguins 20xIC
  • Dr. W’s 10xIC

Close it out with 12 burpees.  Then count off, name-o-rama, and COT.  Thanks.  Push me harder for this year; I could use it.  –JV