With fellow F3 brethren arriving equipped and ready to roll. YHC made it known that there would be a substitute teacher today. Ringo would be absent from class today and the Q was called upon to fill in on this mild and foggy Gloom too bring the PAX along this journey of learning.. So since we are always learning, YHC chose warmup exercises not to commonly used from the list provided in the Exicon…
Toe Touches IC 10, Tabby Taps IC 10, Mantees, Annie IC 20 and Failure to Launch 5..

With 10 min to spare, Q decided to close the PAX out with some Restorative YOGA 🤔!! Oh yeah, the Substitute today was taking a pause from the normal tightening of muscles choosing to loosen instead.. Felt like the PAX welcomed the change of pace..
Count, announce, COT
Q prayed us out..
Appreciate the PAX for following my lead and till the next Gloom 👍🏻👊🏻✌🏻!!