Silence of the lambs!!!
SSiilleennccee ooff tthhee llaammbbss!!!!!!

Silence of the lambs!!!

PAX:Bushwacker, Garfield, Pelican, Ringo, Waterpic

With Q considering a day of rest from running, I awoke to a message from Waterpic. He mentioned that if I was running to Grandmothers house he would join in along the way. That is all the YHC needed was the simple EH from Pic to silence those negative thoughts and hit the pavement. Besides RRR is only one month and the miles count toward a great organization.. Appreciate the EH and the accountability Pic.. We arrive at the AO with no movement in sight, shortly after Garfield rolls in primed and ready to go as always as the Pelican and Ringo emerge as well. Knowing the forecast to be calling for Thunderstorms throughout the day, Q figured we would see a sighting of Bushwacker. He monitors the weather like a young “Bob Breck” knowing all the details and patterns of southeast Louisiana, besides I also believe he gets tremendous joy out of making ridiculous post in fridged temps, Thunderstorms, high heat index, etc.. With the mumble chatter building YHC rallies the PAX to begin.


All IC 15 Windmills, Mummy kicks, Toe Touches and Air presses. IC (10) straight arm, 45 degrees and 90 degrees.. Not sure if my geometry is accurate on that, but we will go with it..


Lindsey’s aka forties from the F3 list would be our first at the bus stop.. Exercise consists of 2 chosen movements always equaling a total of 40 subtracting 5 from the top and adding 5 to the bottom. YHC chose Merkins and Freak nasties. First set 30 Merkins followed by 10 Freak nasties. Second 25 and 15, Third 20/20, Fourth 15 and 25 and final 10 and 30. Although it’s only a 100 total of each the combination seemed to quickly silence the PAX. So much so that as we began our Mosey to the tunnel there was no chatter for nearly half a mile, then Ringo mentioned as long as he was ahead of Wacker he was good. To appreciate that comment one would have had to be there, no PAX wanted to be behind Wacker as he had earlier demonstrated that his previous days meal would not allow for him to keep the Silence so to speak.. Arrived to the tunnel where the PAX was instructed of our next routine. Quarter Pounder (add onions) except for you Wacker.. Broke into 2 teams of 3. Team 1 sprinted 25 yards and completed 25 Merkins returning back pedaling while Team 2 did Al Gores (reversed sequence), Team 1 50 yard sprint and 50 squats back pedaled while Team 2 held plank (reverse), Team 1 75 yard sprint 75 plank Jacks back pedaled while Team 2 did alternating lunges (reverse) and finally Team 1 100 yard sprint with 100 SSH while Team 2 did LBCs (reverse).. Moseyed back to AO with Garfield reminiscing of a Mickey Rork show and mentioning other moments from In Living color with Shhh NayNay and Jim Carey. Both scenes related to Silence that sometimes is broken without saying a word.. Arrived at the AO for a min of Mary low Flutter, high Flutter and Hello dollies..

Count off, announcements (mentioning about the Ragnar in April), COT

Pelican took the honors of praying us out!!!

Appreciate the post gentleman and the accountability!!

Till the next Gloom 👊🏻👍🏻✌🏻!!