CONDITIONS predicted a 90% chance of rain at our AO this A.M. and Mother Nature delivered. No worries for the Pax at Grandmother’s House because our AO is an all-weather location whether it’s dry or raining
The assembled PAX warmed up with some active stretching. All exercises done IC.
- Split jacks X 15
- Toe touches
- Abe Vigodas
- Good mornings
- Frankensteins
- Steve Earles Copper head squat finished with hill billy
- high knees
THE THANG Crawlin’ and hoppin’
Pax moved straight from warm-up into the Thang. (no moseying required) Pax performed 3 rounds of a sequence called “the Brenton” stolen from a nameless national exercise craze.
First pax bear crawled for 100 feet and made their way back to the start by broad jumping. After every 5 broad jumps the pax dropped to crank out 3 burpees.
Rinse and repeat 3X
THE THANG Ciabatta time
Pax worked through 3 ciabatta circuits of alternating between 30 seconds of doing work with 10 seconds to recover between sets.

- Supermans
- Spiderman merkins
- Sister Mary Katherines
- Mountain climbers
- Wojo squats
- Alternating planks

THE THANG Big Finish
With no moseying needed to stitch together our work sessions, Pax were free to enjoy some bonus work when they finished their ciabatta sets.
Pax capped off the workout with some lunge walking, duck walking and Mary.
CountORama, NameORama, and COT
Thanks to Chewy for closing out the COT with a prayer.
It was good to see 8 Pax posting at Grandmother’s House despite bad weather. Northshore AO’s are surging.
Thanks F3-bros, for the fellowship, the beatdowns and for being willing to follow my lead.