Getting Our Money’s Worth at Grandma’s House for Ringo’s Virgin Q.
Getting Our Money’s Worth at Grandma’s House for Ringo’s Virgin Q.

Getting Our Money’s Worth at Grandma’s House for Ringo’s Virgin Q.

PAX:Shooter, Water Pick, Steve, Chewy, Pelican

Upon arrival, most of the PAX aired grievances about how the Saints were robbed. This will probably be a topic of F3 discussions for many beatdowns to come.


Good Mornings, Windmills, Arm Circles, Imperial Walkers, Toe Touches.

YHC kept getting a few of the warm up exercises mixed up, but thanks to the PAX for helping keeping everyone in line.

Pax then moseyed to the tunnel.

1st routine:  “4×4” – YHC called for 4 rounds. Group 1 did bear crawl down the slope of the tunnel, jogged the flat bottom part, then sprinted up, and repeated on the way back while group 2 did AMRAPs of 4x4s (Burpee to Plank, 4 Merkins, 4 Mountain Climbers).
Doing 4 rounds proved to be good in theory, but just after the first round, YHC and Pax realized it had to be modified. It was taking too much time and losing our form, with many more fun and games planned. So, YHC called an audible after only Round 1 and Pax moseyed on to the next routine, but not without vowing to the 4×4 gods that we would be back. 

Next we moseyed to the bus stop/benches and did 10 Box Jumps, 10 Merkins, 20 Step-ups, 10 Derkins, 20 Lunges, and 10 freak nasties. Pretty uneventful, but a good routine nonetheless.

Next we moseyed over to the flea market area. 

Next Routine: “Dora 1,2,3”- Pax coupled up and had a team goal of 100 merkins, 200 LBC’s, and 300 Squats. Pax alternated where 1 team member did sprints while other team member continued towards team goal. YHC and Pax lost count only a couple times.

Finished just in time for Circle of Trust.

One Pax mentioned that he “got his money’s worth” out of YHC’s VQ.  Although these workouts are Free, YHC chooses to believe it was a positive comment.

Shooter prayed us out. 

Special thanks to those who supported YHC today for my VQ and thanks to all of our F3 guys who inspire and keep each other motivated during each workout.

‘Til the next gloom…