QIC takes some pride in the idea that a Saturday beat down with Bushwacker as Q is going to be fairly intense (even if that idea is only in my head). F3 means different things to different guys. For some, it’s a great workout with some great motivation. To others, it’s having fun hanging out with fun guys who share similar values. And yet to to others, it’s an opportunity to lead and be lead, while setting an example and support for their brothers. To YHC, F3 is all of that and more! It can be said that there is a duty to the men who get out of the sack to meet the gloom for the Q to provide value at any given AO. How much value did you find today……?
Rolling in a few ticks behind schedule, YHC was grateful to run into a healthy pack of pre-thang PAX on the return trip of their 2 mile tour.
15XS each IC:
High Knees
Good Mornings
Butt Kicks
Four Corners: Girod, Claiborne, Marigny, Lakeshore
- (with a nod to Shooter) 25 Burpos
- 20 Burpos, 25 Rower Sit Ups
- 15 Burpos, 20 Rower Sit Ups, 25 LBCs
- 10 Burpos, 15 Rower Sit Ups, 20 LBCs, 25 Heal Pulses
Burpee Mile: 12 Burpees followed by a run up Marigny x4

Mosey eastward for…
Captain Therkin:as opposed to how it was SUPPOSED to go with 1bigboysitup for every 4 putins with 5 merkins between each set…
we did 1 merkin for every 4 big boy sit ups with 5 putins between each set…SORRY GUYS
PAX did some semblance of an Indian Run back to home plate where we did…
Circle Burp:While doing constant high knees, each man in turn called “down!”, whereupon the PAX dropped for a burpee. Continued until each had a turn.
x10 r foot on l knee, reach l elbow to r knee FLAPJACK
Dying Cockroach
Leg Lifts
(Bastardized) Cockroach Resurrection…just for Tanked Up
Crunchy Frogs
V Ups
30 seconds each:
Chill Cut Plank
Mission Impossible Plank
Left Hand Plank
Right Hand Plank
Russo prayed us out.
I hope I brought value to this day for all of you gentlemen. I am humbled by your allowing me to lead you into battle!