27 PAX with 1 FNG managed to meet up on a windy, cool Wednesday morning. This is YHC’s first Q in 2019. Happy New Year!!! At 5:30, YHC gave his standard disclaimer and off went the PAX.

Short mosey to the Fountain of Youth and did the following in cadence:
SSHs x 20
Windmills x10
Overhead Claps x 10
Seal Claps x 10
Slow Low Squats x 10
Picked a partner. Each team grabbed one coupon and jogged to the field in front of Audubon Zoo while holding the coupon overhead. Handed off the coupon to the partner if necessary so that he could do the same thing.
Partner Workout
Magically again, bunch of cones (dividing the field in halves) were set up in the middle of the field.
Part 1 – Starting in the middle of the field, each PAX ran toward his baseline marked with cones (about 10 – 15 yards) and performed 2 burpee jacks (which is a burpee followed by a SSH) and ran back to the middle and performed 15 patty cake merkins with his partner, rinse and repeat with 10 reps, rinse and repeat with 5 reps.
Part 2 – Starting in the middle of the field, each PAX ran toward his baseline with 2 burpee jacks and back to the middle and performed 15 synchronize big boy sit ups. Rinse and repeat with 10 and 5 reps.
Part 3 – Starting in the middle of the field, each PAX started off by running toward his baseline with 2 burpee jacks and back to the middle and performed 80 Thrusters as a team. While one PAX was thrustering (made up verb), the other PAX was in Al Gore squat position. Every time a PAX had to hand off the coupon to the other PAX and flap jack the exercise, each had to run to his baseline and performed 2 burpee jacks and ran back to the middle before the other PAX could do the thrusters. Rinse and repeat until 80 thrusters were completed by the team.
Part 4 – Starting in the middle of the field, each PAX started off by running toward his baseline with 2 burpee jacks and back to the middle and each team performed 200 Curls for the ladies (not girls). One PAX was doing the curls while the other one was in the reverse plank position. Every time a PAX had to hand off the coupon to the other PAX and flap jack the exercise, each had to run to his baseline and performed 2 burpee jacks and ran back to the middle before the other PAX could do the curls. Rinse and repeat until 200 curls were done by the team.
Part 5 – Same layout as Part 3 and 4 except the team had to complete 40 manmakers (burpees with lifting the block overhead at the end) While one PAX was manmaking (loving these made up verbs), the other PAX was in low plank position.
When finished, moseyed back with coupon overhead to the Fountain of Youth. Placed the coupons back to their beloved home behind the fountain.
2 Minutes of Mary
Flutterkicks x 20 IC
Dying Cockroach x 20 IC
Moseyed back to the flag right at 6:15 a.m.
Count-O-Rama 27PAX, Name-O-Rama, announcements, intentions. 1 FNG (Smalls). Smalls is a reference from an early 90’s movie Sandlot, which is about a group of young kids playing baseball. FNG’s real name is Ryan Mattingly. More importantly, he’s opposite of being small. “You are killing me Smalls!” I assume that’s similar to how Shorty got his F3 name. Our thoughts and prayers for one of King Kong’s 2.0’s upcoming allergy test-hoping for great results without any major reaction. We pray for a Saints victory over the Eagles on Playoffs Sunday.
Our thoughts and prayers for Mathlete and his family. RIP Terabyte. Really a sad day to hear of an F3 brother passing away this morning. Mathlete – We pray for mental and physical strength to you, your family, and friends. No one can ever prepare you for losing a family member. Only family and close friends and time can slowly heal the wounds. The response and prayers in Mumblechatter sum up why I’m glad to be part of F3. When we see one of our brothers in a bad place, we offer our help, if we can. Thank You all again for the opportunity to lead. Always a pleasure and honor to workout with the PAX. SYITG
King Kong