Dirty McDuece and the Fart Sack
Dirty McDuece and the Fart Sack

Dirty McDuece and the Fart Sack

PAX:Grundy, Garfield, Waterpik

En route to the Marsh, YHC anticipated some HATE, some 40 degree, t-shirt wearin’, sweat angels, and some inspiring men whose presence would spark the beginning of another fruitful day. All expectations were duly met, with the exception of the presupposition of sweat angels, as we found ourselves, despite confirming the previous night, Shooterless in the gloom! *ahem* FART SACKIN *cough* (pot, meet kettle) Waterpik covered the 40 degree t-shirt, The youthful Grundy posted as indicated Saturday, and the Monday staple Garfield reminded us by his consistency that age is just a number (RESPECT RESPECT).


15-20 IC:


Arm Circles

Imperial Walkers

Toe Touches

Hi Knees

Fire Hydrants

Scorpion Kicks


It was time to drop YHC’s 2nd McDuece of the morning…the dirty kind! (slightly extended)

Regularly 4 sets (5 today) of 3 exercises (chest,core,legs) at 12 reps each. The PAX ran the long block and back in between each set.

  1. Merkins, LBCs, Squats
  2. Hand Release Merkins, Flutter Kicks, Calf raises
  3. Dive Bomber Merkins, Freddy Mercurys, Monkey Humpers
  4. Diamond Merkins, Dying Cockroach, Al Gore
  5. Shoulder Taps, Crunchy Frogs, One-Legged Squats (no actual balance necessary)

Over to the equipment for OYO:

5 Pull Ups/5 Big Boy Sit Ups (rinse & repeat)

5Ausie Pull Ups/5Rower Sit Ups (rinse & repeat)

5Reverse Grip Chin Ups/5 LBCs (rinse & repeat)


On your 6, right foot over left knee, left elbow to right knee x10 – FlapJack x10

1 minute each: Chill Cut Plank, Mission Impossible Plank, regular plank


Garfield prayed us out which got QIC’s gears turning as the PAX set out to tackle, or gently coerce into submission, the day!

Amen roughly means “It is so”, and derives from the Hebrew amen (with a dash over the a and e) which means “certainty” or “truth.” Many things in life are certain or true, we know them to be so. Understanding the “hows” or “whys” of such things are not, however, always so certain. Why do we derive strength from others? How do we inspire family, friends, and co-workers to strive to be their best selves? We see, we acknowledge, we know… sometimes it’s simply enough to appreciate and say Thank You! (and good night?)

Thank YOU brave warriors of the gloomy marsh, for submitting yourselves to my implied experience and following my lead, as I gladly pay my F3 dues