With plenty of rain in the forecast the Q opened the garage anticipating a wet post, yet to his surprise it was only the sound of swirling winds, which left a path of blown over garbage cans spewing garbage throughout the streets and early dismantling of Christmas decorations hanging from the rooftops as I journeyed to the AO.. Anticipating a possible return of other PAX who have not posted in sometime (Turtle), Q was excited arriving to the headlights of regulars like Veteran (Steve), post record setter (Ringo) and 2 Scramble essentials in Garfield and Water Pik.. Planted the shovel flag and started the chatter amongst the PAX.
Began our warmup with
10 IC Good mornings, Windmills
15 IC Toe Touches, SSH followed by lunge twist inward and outward for 25 yards. Burgundy arrives as we wrap up the warmup to start our journey..
Moseyed our standard route through the debris filled streets of ole Mandeville. With steady winds and severe gusts we still managed a respectable time of less than 30 mins. Arrived back for 10 mins of work which consisted of the PAX taking to our 6 while another completed 5 pull-ups as we rotated around to each man. R/R 3 series that included LBCs, Flutter kicks and Crunchy frogs. Closed with 1 min of Merkins.
Circled up for count, announce, COT
Reminded everyone of the upcoming Crazy Ivan, which should prove another domination by the Northshore representing and preserving the Hammer 🔨 trophy!!
Also Water Pik put it out to the PAX for some F2 following his Q next Tuesday at Grandmas House on New Year’s Day!! We will converge at the Cafe Du Monde following the beatdown for some coffee and beignets to start the New year right!! That is of course for any man willing to delay their New Years resolution of tasty warm fried dough coverd in powdered sugar 😋😋…
YHC prayed us out.
Appreciate the commitment through the holiday week F3 brethren and Returns are always welcomed!! New year = New choices
👍🏻👊🏻✌🏻 Till the next Gloom!!