-“A thousand tragedies a day, but the one’s that hit home are the most real.”
I heard about Lexington, SC FiA’s Diane “Digits” Wells’ unfortunate and untimely death Tuesday morning while she was doing something we City Hall Scramblers take for granted…running. She left behind a husband and 3 small children. Digits was a leader who lived the FiA principals. As an avid runner, she did everything right, wearing reflective clothing and lights, but was still struck down in the middle of a crosswalk. Her story occupied my mind while we ran.
While we celebrate Jesus’ birth and the myriad of blessing in our lives, please keep her family and friends in your prayers.

10xs IC:
Toe Touches
Imperial Wackers
Willy Mays
Fire Hydrants
Tradish Old Mandeville route at an 8:30-8:45/min mile pace
6 sets, each x10, 1-count IC:
High Knees
Plank Jacks
Q prayed us out, with special intentions for Digits
Many thanks gentlemen!