Is that the Salvation Army?
Is that the Salvation Army?

Is that the Salvation Army?

PAX:Turbo, Zoo Lander, Jose Marano, Grundy, The Hammer, Coconuts, Chewy, Ringo, Bush Wacker

With it being just over two weeks before Christmas, bells could be heard along the lakefront in Mandeville on a cold and dreary Saturday morning. Could it be the salvation army ringing their bells to get donations from the dedicated runners on the Lakefront? No sir, it is a bunch of idiots doing ten burpees everytime they ring a cowbell…..

Warm Up:

15 Toe Touches IC, 20 Windmills IC, 20 IW’s IC, 20 SS Hops IC, 20 Butt Kicks IC, 20 High KNees IC, 10 Forward Arm Rolls IC, 10 Reverse Arm Rolls IC, 10 Overhead Claps IC

Cowbell Instructions:

Every time you hear the cowbell, stop and do ten burpees. At the beginning of the beat down, that cowbell was like the pretty girl at the dance. Everybody wanted to have some time with it. About half way through, she turned into the ugly girl at the dance. Nobody wanted anything to do with it. BUT, everyone had their chance to dance which meant, with 10 Pax, we did a hundred burpees through out the work out. I think Zoo Lander might have rang it twice, so maybe 110.

Mosey to first block: Bolt 45s, 5 Dive Bomber Push Ups IC, 5 Lunges IC

Mosey to second block: Rinse and Repeat  exercises from Block 1 and add 5 Absolutions

Mosey to third block: Rinse and Repeat exercises from Block 2, and add 10 Freak Nasties IC

Mosey to the park: Ascending Burp and Groin

Each pac does a burpee. After the merkin part of the burpee, do a groiner. Everytime you do a burpee increase the merkin and groiner by one rep. Do this until you get to ten merkins and ten groiners. So I guess if you add these burpees into it, we did 120. By this point, who the hell is counting. 

Mary: Bruce Lees- 10 Leg Lifts OYO, 10 LBCs IC, 10 Heel Touches IC, 10 100s IC, 10 Putins IC, 10 Crunchy Frogs OYO

Rinse and Repeat this three times. Second set increase reps to 12 for all exercises. On the third set, increase reps to 15. Kudos to Coconuts to ringing the cowbell during the Mary to give our abs a break. Only at F3 is doing 10 burpees a break from anything. 

Indian run back to the flag.

Bushwacker prayed us out. Great F2 at the coffeteria after.