The Stomp to Scout Island and Beyond
The Stomp to Scout Island and Beyond

The Stomp to Scout Island and Beyond

PAX:Rudy, El Guapo, Mahatma, Abacus, Da Parish, Gumby, Hawgcycle, Fracsac

Allow me, YHC, to introduce myself. I am known as Fracsac among my F3 Brethren, my real name is not important. One thing you should know about me is that I am the fastest slow guy in F3 Nation. Sure, this may seem subjective, but I have proof. It all started when 8 Pax gathered in the gloom to see what YHC had in store for the 610 Stomp. YHC determined we would run a different route, passing Scout Island, where the scariest Halloween monsters are said to be housed. The plan was to sweep the six along the way, running somewhat as a group. Within the first half mile, our pack was split up in 3 parts. Mahatma, El Guapo, and Rudy took off ahead, YHC settled back a ways from them, with the other Pax making up the six. That may not be completely accurate, as Hawgcycle was really the lone pax in the six, but we would still be on the route if we were waiting for him. I remember the days when I pushed myself to keep up with Hawgcycle, as he was running ahead looking well groomed with a top of the line pair of running shoes. He glided along like the wind, a true force to be reckoned with. Now he shows up with a mullet and flip flops. I doubt I look any better than him, but I do wear shoes. But I digress.
The three fast Pax would occasionally sweep the six, as YHC had instructed. Good for them, but they would pass me up and ignore me like I was a middle child. Lucky for me, I was a middle child, so I shrugged that off easily. We passed Scout Island without incident, except for having to smell the unpleasant fragrance coming from the portable toilets. As I ran up the Wisner Bridge, I could see the fast pax coming back toward me, on their way to rally the others. In a fashionable yet blatantly superior act, they ran up the Wisner Bridge twice, showing the rest of the Pax how it is done. Where was Hawgcycle you ask? We didn’t know either. We ran past the festival grounds, still emanating odors from Voodoo fest, which was comprised of what can only be described as the stench of stale beer and vomit. But on our way to the entrance to NOMA, we came across the awesome smell of bacon! What a pleasant treat in comparison to the previous experiences! Into City Park we continued, the three fast pax sweeping past me and collecting the six. We headed into the track for one quick lap, then gathered around the flag. Just enough time left to seal the deal with 10 burpees. Countoff……wait says Da Parish. We have one minute remaining. Well, then 5 more burpees. Now the deal is sealed! Well Done!

Count Off, Name-O-Rama, Intentions, and closed with a prayer to the Sky Q.

Map My Run showed 4.43 miles.
The three fast pax were the only three Respect Pax we had this morning. That is impressive! I’m going to strive to be an even faster slow guy.
Hawgcycle brought me my water bottle from the last Crazy Ivan on the Northshore. You’re probably thinking that was nice of him. The Crazy Ivan was in January. Speaking of which, we need to have a better showing at the Crazy Ivan in January to show our Northshore Brothers some support. Many of them always find a way to respond to our CSAUP events, so time to return the favor. Dates you ask? Keep an eye out for an announcement in the near future.

Thanks for posting with me today, and for allowing me to be a part of such an amazing group!